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2,750 00

no account on file.
5,485 00 Mexican hostilities: Balance, December 2, 1856, $12,873 03. There
is at his credit, on account of military contributions, $7,388 03;
leaving still against him $5,485.


1,558 45
19 98

132 33

4 50

206 00

800 00

35 70

55 45

50 00

23 65

84 38

3 05

Road from Santa Fé to Doña Ana: Balance, July 18, 1856. Amount advanced to him on this account. Dismissed in June, 1856, and

59 26

7,049 36

Officers' transportation: Amount of overpayment by Lieutenant
Gorgas for transportation from Troy, New York, to Springfield,
Massachusetts, in 2d quarter 1846.

Subsistence: Amount of provisions turned over to him and not ac-
counted for by him, charged in January, 1855.

Quartermaster's department: Balance, August 31, 1855, remaining
of advances charged in April, 1854. No account on file.
Barracks, &c: Amount remaining of advances made to him by E.
Sibley and A. W. Reynolds. No account on file.

Incidental expenses: Advanced by A. W. Reynolds, and charged in
March, 1855. No accounts on file.

Army transportation: Advanced by Reynolds, and charged in March, 1855. No account on file.

Subsistence: This amount was really advanced to R. L. Nance by
Joseph P. Taylor in October, 1847; but Nance having erroneously
acknowledged this sum as advanced by Major Smith, it was
placed to Smith's credit in April, 1849. It is now charged to
Major Smith.

Officers' transportation: Balance, October 18, 1857. No account on
Civil fund of California: Amount charged by him on voucher 11 of
his account, 3d quarter 1849, for commission of 24 per cent. on
$2,218 30; disallowed, and charged to him in July, 1855.
Road from Great Salt Lake to California: Balance, July 13, 1857.
No account on file.

Quartermaster's departinent.

Barracks and quarters.

Army transportation.

[Balances, July 31, 1857, remaining of advances made to him, and no accounts on file]

Subsistence: Balance, May 18, 1856, remaining of the sales of property.

Quartermaster's department: Balance, May 29, 1857.



[Balances, August 15, 1858.]

3,861 48 Subsistence: Balance, May 13, 1853, $4,132 48. There is at his
credit, by repayment, $271; leaving against him $3,861 48 of
advances charged in May, 1853. No account on file.

116 37 Quartermaster's department: Balance, June 16, 1852, $1,130 47.
There is at his debit on other accounts $2,369 78, making, to-
gether, $3,500 25; and there is at his credit on sundry accounts
$3,383 88, leaving against him $116 37. No accounts on file.
Mexican hostilities: Balance, December 19, 1854, remaining of ad-
vances charged to him prior to June, 1853. No account on file.
Subsistence: Balance, December 19, 1854, remaining of advances
charged to him prior to June, 1853. No account on file.
Quartermaster's department: Balance, October 14, 1856, $99 32.
There is at his credit, by repayment, $96 32; leaving against him
$3 of advances charged in March, 1853. No account on file.
7 21 Subsistence: Balance, March 16, 1854, remaining of the sales of
property charged in November, 1853. No account on file.

[blocks in formation]

13 00

27 83

Incidental expenses, quartermaster's department: Balance, March
24, 1855, $57 50. There is since at his credit, by repayment,
$29 67; leaving against him $27 83. He is dead, and no account
on file.
27 32 Transportation of supplies, quartermaster's department: Amount
paid him by Thomas Jordan for commutation of quarters, &c.,
disallowed, and now charged to him.

Mexican hostilities: Amount of overpayment for transportation by
T. L. Toulmin in 3d quarter 1848.

Baracks and quarters: Balance, October 9, 1857.
Invalid pensions: Balance, January 4, 1856.

Pensions, February, 1848: Balance, January 4, 1856, $855 65; since
repaid $655 74; leaving $199 91, and no account on file.
Pensions, July 7, 1838: Balance, January 4, 1856, $1,204 46 There
is since at his credit $1,000; leaving $204 46 against him.
Pensions, March 3, 1843: Balance, January 4, 1856, $178 02. There
is since at his credit $103 17; leaving $74 85 against him.
Arrearages due for roads, rivers, and harbors: Balance, January 8,
1858. Died in December, 1857.


76 11

7 88

199 91

204 46

74 85

Subsistence: Amount of sales of property charged to him in April, 1854. No account on file.

217 49

42 26

24 54 Barracks, &c.: Balance, January 7, 1856, remaining of an advance
charged in February, 1854. Resigned, and no account on file.
Subsistence: Amount of sales of property to officers at Camp Volgano,
Mexico, in August, 1847. No account on file.
514 10 Officers' transportation: Amount advanced to him by Colonel Swords,
in December, 1852, $500, and an overpayment by M. M. Clark on
voucher 35, "B," 3d quarter 1848, for transportation. He is dead,

and no account on file.

50 00 Subsistence: Amount advanced to him by William A. Winder, and

No account on file.

101 41

charged in June, 1854.
Quartermaster's department: Balance, June 3, 1854, $1,572 60. There
is since at his credit, by repayment, $1,471 19; still leaving against
him $101 41 of an advance charged in January, 1854. No account
on file.
Subsistence: Balance, October 3, 1851, remaining of an advance by
R. C. Drum, and charged in January, 1851. No account on file.


24 29

[blocks in formation]


Lieutenant colonel..


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Amount of ac

counts which
come within
the provisions
of the above-
mentioned act.

$11,266 67

35 55

Quartermaster's department: Balance, August 30,
of property on hand not accounted for by him.
battle October, 1847. No account on file.
Incidental expenses, quartermaster's department: Balance, July 25,
Mexican hostilities: Amount overpaid for transportation on voucher
11, "B," 3d quarter 1847, and charged to him.


Mexican hostilities: Amount overpaid for transportation on voucher
4, "B," 4th quarter 1847, and charged to him.

583 29

Barracks and quarters: Balances, September 22, 1858, remaining of
advances charged to him in May and July, 1854. No account on
Quartermaster's department: Balance, November 18, 1857, remaining
of advances charged to him. He is dead, and no account on file.
15 60 Officers' transportation: Amount overpaid him for transportation from
Newport to Jefferson Barracks, on his certificate; disallowed and
charged to him.

108 76 Incidental expenses, quartermaster's department: Balance, October
22, 1856, $132 16. There is since at his credit $23 40; leaving
against him $108 76 of an advance in December, 1852.
account on file.




154 10

Remarks of the Third Auditor.

81 35
171 20

1853, remaining
He was killed in

Quartermaster's department.
Barracks and quarters.

[Amount of vouchers disallowed and charged to Captain Walbach in
May, 1855. He died in June, 1853.]

4 60 Officers' transportation: Amount overpaid him for transportation by Lieutenant M. D. L. Simpson, on voucher 7, "B," 1st quarter 1855. He died in October, 1855.

[blocks in formation]

TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Third Auditor's Office, December 1, 1858.

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489 57 Quartermaster's department: Balance, March 26, 1857, $681 42. There is since at his credit, by repayment, $191 85; leaving $489 57. He is dead, and no accounts on file. 21 85 Quartermaster's department: Balance, September 9, 1858, $48 25. There is since at his credit, by repayment, $26 40; leaving against him $21 85.

Army transportation: Amount of property charged to him in February, 1854. No account on file.

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