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State of appropriation.

No. 10.

General statement of the condition of the fund appropriated for the contingent expenses of the office of the Treasurer of the United States for the year ending June 30, 1860; prepared in obedience to the provisions of the 20th section of the act of Congress of August 26, 1822.

Balance of the appropriation for the year ending 30th June, 1858, not drawn from the treasury on the 1st July, 1859... Balance remaining in the hands of the agent on the same day

Amount appropriated by the act of March 3, 1859

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THOMAS M. TATE, Auditor.

Between the 1st July, 1859, and 30th June, 1860, there was expended (as will appear in the analytical statement subjoined) the sum of

Leaving a balance of

Which balance stood as follows on July 1, 1860: In the treasury undrawn....

In the hands of the agent unexpended

TREASURY OF THE United StateS, January 1, 1861.


$861 07

90 31 500 00

$749 24 1,438 22

4,321 57

6,647 74

13, 156 77

961 07

8 90


$1,451 38

481 41

969 97

969 97

No. 10-Continued.

Analytical statement of the contingent expenses of the office of the Treasurer of the United States from the 1st July, 1859,

to the 30th June, 1860.

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No. 11.

General statement of the condition of the fund appropriated for the contingent expenses of the Register of the Treasury Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1860; prepared in obedience to the provisions of the 20th section of the act of Congress of August 26, 1852.

State of the appropriation.

Blank books, binding, stationery, books for recording commercial returns, arranging and filing marine papers, &c.

In hands of J. D. Colmesnil, disbursing clerk, July 1, 1859 -
Balance of appropriation July 1, 1859....
Appropriated by act of March 3, 1859..................................................................

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Expended during the fiscal year, per analytical statement....
In hands of J. D. Colmesnil, disbursing clerk, July 1, 1860..
Advanced to Benner & O'Brien, contractors for furnishing
ships' registers and crew lists....
Undrawn in the treasury

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