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they were less developed, would live and maintain their numbers, while the others would decrease and finally succumb.

Again, when any slow changes of physical geography, or of climate, make it necessary for an animal to alter its food, its clothing, or its

soning-has pointed out how this principle of natural selection has been modified, and in a manner veiled and disguised, though by no means either neutralised or suspended, in the case of MAN; so that neither history nor geology enables us to trace any change in his external structure analogous to those which we find in such abundance and to such a remarkable extent in the case of the lower animals. He adapts himself, just as they do, to the altered conditions of external nature, but he does it by mental not by bodily modifications. As with them, so with him, the best adapted to surrounding circumstances, the most in harmony with the imperious necessities of life, surmount, survive, and multiply; but in this case the adaptation is made and the harmony secured by intellect- new requirements. But man, under similar

weapons, it can only do so by a corresponding change in its own bodily structure and internal organisation. If a larger or more powerful beast is to be captured and devoured, as when a carnivorous animal which has hitherto preyed on sheep is obliged from their decreasing numbers to attack buffaloes, it is only the strongest who can hold, - those with most powerful claws, and formidable canine teeth, that can struggle with and overcome such an animal. Natural selection immediately comes into play, and by its action these organs gradually become adapted to their circumstances, does not require longer nails or

ual and moral efforts and qualities, which leave no stamp on the corporeal frame. As teeth, greater bodily strength or swiftness. He with them, inferior varieties and individuals succumb and die out in the eternal

and universal 'struggle for existence;' only, in the case of man, the inferiority which determines their fate is inferiority inferiority not of muscle, of stomach, or of skin, but of brain.

In man, as we now behold him, this is different. He is social and sympathetic. In the rudest tribes the sick are assisted at least with food; less robust health and vigour than the average does not entail death. Neither does the want of perfect limbs or other organs produce the same effect as among the lower animals. Some division of labour takes place; the swiftest hunt, the less active fish or gather fruits; food is to some extent exchanged or divided. The action of natural selection is therefore checked, the weaker, the dwarfish, those of less active limbs or less piercing eyesight, do not suffer the extreme penalty which falls on animals so defective. In proportion as these physical characteristics become of less importance, mental and moral qualities will have increasing influence on the well-being of the race. Capacity for acting in concert, for protection and for the acquisition of food and shelter; sympathy, which leads all in turn to assist each other; the sense of right, which checks depredations upon our fellows; the decrease of the combative and destructive propensities; self-restraint in present appetites; and that intelligent foresight which prepares for the future, are all qualities that from their earliest appearance must have been for the benefit of each community, and would, therefore, have become the subjects of 'natural selection.' For it is evident that such qualities would be for the well-being of man; would guard him against external enemies, against internal dissensions, and against the effects of inclement seasons and impending famine, more surely than could any merely physical modification. Tribes in which such mental and moral qualities were predominant, would therefore have an advantage in the struggle for existence over other tribes in which

makes sharper spears, or a better bow, or he constructs a cunning pitfall, or combines in a hunting party to circumvent his new prey. The capacities which enable him to do this are what he requires to be strengthened, and these will, therefore, be gradually modified by 'natural selection,' while the form and structure of his body will remain unchanged. So when a glacial epoch comes on, some animals must acquire warmer fur, or a covering of fat, or else die of cold. Those best clothed by nature are, therefore, preserved by natural selection. Man, under the same circumstances, will make himself warmer clothing, and build better houses; and the necessity for doing this will react upon his mental organisation and social condition-will advance them while his natural body remains naked as before.

When the accustomed food of some animal becomes scarce or totally fails, it can only exist by becoming adapted to a new kind of food, a food perhaps less nourishing and less digestible. Natural selection' will now act upon the stomach and intestines, and all their individual variations will be taken advantage of to modify the race into harmony with its new food. In many cases, however, it is probable that this cannot be done. The internal organs may not vary quick enough, and then the animal will decrease in numbers and finally become extinct. But man guards himself from such accidents by superintending and guiding the operations of nature. He plants the seed of his most agreeable food, and thus procures a supply independent of the accidents of varying seasons or natural extinction. He domesticates animals which serve him either to capture food or for food itself, and thus changes of any great extent in his teeth or digestive organs are rendered unnecessary. Man, too, has everywhere the use of fire, and by its means can render palatable a variety of animal and vegetable substances, which he could hardly otherwise make use of, and thus obtain for himself a supply of food far more varied and abundant than that which any animal can command.

Thus man, by the mere capacity of clothing to a certain stage of his progress, tends to himself, and making weapons and tools, has the improvement ement and perfection of the race, taken away from nature that power of changing would appear to be forcibly interfered with the external form and structure which she exer- and nearly set aside; nay, to be set aside cises over all other animals. As the competing pretty much in direct proportion to the com

races by which they are surrounded, the climate, the vegetation, or the animals which serve them for food, are slowly changing, they must undergo a corresponding change in their structure, habits, and constitution, to keep them in harmony with the new conditions - to enable them

to live and maintain their numbers. But man

does this by means of his intellect alone; which enables him with an unchanged body still to keep in harmony with the changing universe.

plication, completeness, and culmination of

our civilisation. We do not assert that if our civilisation were purely and philosophically ideal perfect in character as well as splendid and lofty in degree - this result would follow, or would continue; but it certainly does follow now, and it delays and positively menaces the attainment of that ideal condition. Our thesis is this: that the indisputable effect of the state of

From the time, therefore, when the social and sympathetic feelings come into active operation, social progress and culture we have reached, and the intellectual and moral faculties become of our high civilisation, in a word, is to fairly developed, man would cease to be influ- counteract and suspend the operation of that enced by 'natural selection' in his physical form righteous and salutary law of 'natural se

lection' in virtue of which the best specimens of the race - the strongest, the finest, the worthiest - are those which survive, surmount, become paramount, and take prece

and structure; as an animal he would remain almost stationary; the changes of the surrounding universe would cease to have upon him that powerful modifying effect which they exercise over other parts of the organic world. But from the moment that his body became station- dence; succeed and triumph in the strug

gle for existence, become the especial progenitors of future generations, continue the species, and propagate an ever improving and perfecting type of humanity.

ary, his mind would become subject to those very influences from which his body had escaped; every slight variation in his mental and moral nature which should enable him better to guard against adverse circumstances, and combine for The principle does not appear to fail in mutual comfort and protection, would be pre- the case of races of men. Here the abler, served and accumulated; the better and higher the stronger, the more advanced, the finer specimens of our race would therefore increase in short, are still the favoured ones, sucand spread, the lower and more brutal would ceed in the competition; exterminate, govgive way and successively die out, and that rapid ern, supersede, fight, eat, or work the infe

men so far above the brutes (although differing

so little from some of them in physical structure), and, in conjunction with scarcely perceptible modifications of form, has developed the

wonderful intellect of the Germanic races.


advancement of mental organisation would oc- rior tribes out of existence. The process is cur which has raised the very lowest races of quite as certain, and nearly as rapid, whether we are just or unjust; whether we use carefulness or cruelty. Everywhere the savage tribes of mankind die out at the contact of the civilised ones. Sometimes they are extinguished by conquest and the sword; sometimes by the excessive toil which avaricious victors impose upon the feeble vanquished; often by the diseases which the more artificial man brings with him and which flourish with fearful vigour in a virgin soil; occasionally they fade away before the superior vitality and prolific energy of the invading race in lands where there is not room for both; in some cases before the new and unsuitable habits which civilisation tries to introduce among them; not unfrequently it would seem from some mysterious blight which the mere presence of a superior form of humanity casts over them. But, in every part of the world, and in every instance, the result has been the same; the process of extinction is either completed or actively at work. The Indians of the Antilles, the Red man of North America, the South Sea Islanders, the Australians, even the New Zealanders (the finest and

But this is by no means the whole of the As we follow out the reflections suggested by this argument, an entirely new series of consequences and operations opens before us. We perceive that the law of 'natural selection,' and of the preservation of favoured races and individuals in the struggle for existence,' has become in the course of man's progress not only thus modified, as Mr. Wallace points out, and directed to one part of his organisation (the brain) alone, but positively suspended, and in many instances almost reversed. It even dawns upon us that our existing civilisation, which is the result of the operation of this law in past ages, may be actually retarded and endangered by its tendency to neutralise that law in one or two most material and significant particulars. The great, wise, righteous, and beneficent principle which in all other animals, and in man himself, up

most pliable and teachable of savages), had no culture, but they had vast capac

are all alike dying out with sad rapidity
in consequence of the harshness, or in spite
of the forbearance and protection, of the
stronger and more capable European. The
negro alone survives - and, but for the ob-
servation of what is now going on in our
sugar islands and in the United States, we

ities; and they brought with them a renovating irruption of that hard energy and redundant vitality which luxury and success had nearly extinguished among those they conquered. They were then "the most favoured race," the fittest for the exigencies of the hour, the best adapted to the conditions

should say seems likely to survive. He of the life around them; they prevailed, only has been able to hold his own in a therefore, by reason of a very indisputable, fashion, and to live and flourish side by side though not the most refined sort of, superiwith masterful and mightier races, though in ority. With the nations of modern history, a questionable relation and with questiona- the same rule has governed the current of ble results. But the exception is a confir- the world, though perhaps with more inmation of the general law. The negro is not stances of at least apparent exception. only strong, docile, and prolific, but in some Each nation that has dominated in turn, or respects he is better adapted to surrounding occupied the first post in the world's anconditions than his European neighbour, nals, has done so by right of some one conqueror, or master; in certain climates quality, achievement, or possession - then he, and not the white man, is 'the favoured especially needed - which made it for the race; and for many generations, perhaps time the stronger, if not intrinsically the for ages, in the burning regions about the nobler, among many rivals. Intellect, and equator, a black skin may take precedence intellect applied alike to art, to commerce, of a large brain, and be a more indispensable and to science, at one period made the condition of existence; or possibly the brain Italians the most prominent people in Eumay grow larger without the skin growing rope. There was an undeniable grandeur any whiter. The principle of 'natural se- in the Spanish nation in its culminating lection' therefore - of the superior and years towards the close of the fifteenth cen

fitter races of mankind trampling out and replacing the poorer races, in virtue of their superior fitness - would seem to hold good universally.

tury which gave it a right to rule, and at once explained and justified both its discoveries and its conquests. No one can say that France has not fairly won her vast influence and her epochs of predominance by her wonderful military spirit and the peculiarity of her singularly clear, keen, restless, but not rich, intelligence. England owes her world-wide dominion and (what is far more significant and a greater subject for felicitation) the wide diffusion of her race over the globe, to a daring and persistent energy with which no other vari

So probably it does also, and always has done, in the case of nations; and the apparent exceptions to the rule may be due only to our erroneous estimate of the true elements of superiority. In the dawn of history the more cultivated and energetic races conquered the weaker and less advanced, reduced them to slavery, or taught them civilisation. It is true that in the case of the Greeks and Romans the coarser ety of mankind is so largely dowered. And organisation and less developed brain of if in modern conflicts might has sometimes the latter easily overpowered and over-triumphed over right, and the finer and

shadowed probably the finest physical and intellectual nature that has yet appeared upon the earth; but the Greeks, when they succumbed, had fallen away from the perfection of their palmier days; they were enervated and corrupt to the very core;

kinder people fallen before the assaults of the stronger, and the events of history run counter to all our truer and juster sympathies, it is probably because, in the counsels of the Most High, energy is seen to be more needed than culture to carry on the advance

and the robuster will and unequalled politi- ment of humanity, and a commanding will, cal genius of their Roman conquerors con- at least in this stage of our progress, a more stituted an undeniable superiority. They essential endowment than an amiable temtriumphed by the law of the strongest per or a good heart. At all events it is

those who in some sense are the STRONGEST and the fittest who most prevail, multiply, and spread, and become in the largest measure the progenitors of future nations.

though their strength might not lie precisely in the noblest portion of man's nature. Intellectually the inferiors of the Greeks whom they subdued, they were morally and volitionally more vigorous. The same may be said of those rude Northern warriors who at a later period flowed over and mas- - the phase of the question which has far tered the degenerate Roman world. They the most practical and immediate interest

But when we come to the case of individuals in a people, or classes in a community for ourselves - the principle fails alto- But we forget that this higher average of gether, and the law is no longer supreme. life may be compatible with, and may in a Civilisation, with its social, moral, and ma- measure result from, a lower average of terial complications, has introduced a dis- health. We have kept alive those who, in turbing and conflicting element. It is not a more natural and less advanced state, now, as Mr. Wallace depicts, that intellect- would have died

ual has been substituted for physical superiority, but that artificial and conventional have taken the place of natural advantages as the ruling and deciding force. It is no longer the strongest, the healthiest, the most perfectly organised; it is not men of the finest physique, the largest brain, the most developed intelligence, that are 'favoured' and successful in the struggle for existence' that survive, that rise to the surface, that'natural selection' makes the parents of future generations, the continuators of a picked and perfected race. It is still the most favoured,' no doubt, in some sense, who bear away the palm, but the indispensable favour is that of fortune, not of nature. The various influences of our social system combine to traverse the

and who, looking at the Among savphysical perfection of the race alone, had better have been left to die. ages, the vigorous and sound alone survive; among us, the diseased and enfeebled survive as well; - but is either the physique or the intelligence of cultivated man the gainer by the change? In a wild state, by the law of natural selection, only, or chiefly, the sounder or stronger specimens were allowed to continue their species; with us, thousands with tainted constitutions, with frames weakened by malady or waste, with brains bearing subtle and hereditary mischief in their recesses, are suffered to transmit their terrible inheritance of evil to other generations, and to spread it through a whole community.

Security of property, security for its righteous and salutary law which God or- transmission, as well as for its enjoyment, dained for the preservation of a worthy is one of our chief boasts. Thousands and improving humanity; and the 'varie- upon thousands who never could themties' of man that endure and multiply their selves have acquired property by industry, likenesses, and mould the features of the or conquered it by courage, or kept it by coming times, are not the soundest consti- strength or ingenuity, and who are utterly tutions that can be found among us, nor incompetent to use it well, are yet enabled the most subtle and resourceful minds, nor by law to inherit and retain it. They are the most amiable or self-denying tempers, born to wealth, they revel in wealth, though nor even the most imperious and persistent destitute of all the qualities by which wealth wills, but often the precise reverse often is won, or its possession made a blessing to those emasculated by luxury and those the community. In a natural state of socidamaged by want, those rendered reckless ety they would have been pushed out of by squalid poverty, and those whose physi- existence, jostled aside in the struggle and

cal and mental energies have been sapped, and whose morale has been grievously impaired, by long indulgence and forestalled desires.

The two great instruments and achievements of civilisation, are respect for life and respect for property. In proportion as both are secure, as life is prolonged, and as wealth is accumulated, so nations rise - or consider that they have risen. Among wild animals the sick and maimed are slain; among savages they succumb and die; among us they are cared for, kept alive, enabled to marry and multiply. In uncivilised tribes, the ineffective and incapable, the weak in body or in mind, are unable to provide themselves food; they fall behind in the chase or in the march, they fall out, therefore, in the race of life. With us, sustenance and shelter are provided for them, and they survive. We pride ourselves - and justly-on the increased length of life which has been effected by our science and our humanity.

the race, and left by the way to die. In civilised communities they are protected, fostered, flattered, married, and empowered to hand down their vapid incapacities to numerous offspring, whom perhaps they can leave wealthy too. In old and highly advanced nations, the classes who wield power, and affluence, and social supremacy as a consequence of the security of property, do not as a rule consist- nay, consist in a very small measure - of individuals who have won, or could have won, those influences for themselves - of natural kings of men; the élite lots in life do not fall to the élite of the race or the community. Those possessions and that position, which in more simply organised tribes would be an indication and a proof either of strength, of intelligence, or of some happy adaptation to surrounding exigencies, now in our complicated world indicate nothing-at least in five cases out of six-but merit or energy or luck in some ancestor, perhaps inconceivably remote,

who has bequeathed his rank and property struction. The intellects of both have been to his successors, but without the qualities exposed to opposite disadvantages. The which won them and warranted them. Yet organisations of neither class are the best

this property and rank still enable their possibly unworthy and incapable inheritors to take precedence over others in many of the walks of life, to carry off the most desirable brides from less favoured though far nobler rivals, and (what is our present point) to make these brides the mothers of a degenerating, instead of an ever improving race.

But even this by no means presents the whole strength of the case. Not only does civilisation, as it exists among us, enable rank and wealth, however diseased, enfeebled, or unintelligent, to become the continuators of the species in preference to larger brains, stronger frames, and sounder constitutions; but that very rank and wealth, thus inherited without effort and in absolute security, tend to produce enervated and unintelligent offspring. To be born in the purple is not the right introduction to healthy energy; to be surrounded from the cradle with all temptations and facilities to self-indulgence, is not the best safe-guard against those indulgences which weaken

the rich

in the community; the constitutions of neither are the soundest or most untainted. Yet these two classes are precisely those which are, or are likely to be, preponderatingly, the fathers of the coming generation. Both marry as early as they please and have as many children as they please, because it is in their power, the poor because they have no motive for abstinence; -and as we know, scanty food and hard circumstances do not oppose but rather encourage procreation. Malthus's 'prudential check' rarely operates upon the lower classes; the poorer they are, usually, the faster do they multiply; certainly the more reckless they are in reference to multiplication. It is the middle classes, those who form the energetic, reliable, improving element of the population, those who wish to rise and do not choose to sink, those in a word who are the true strength and wealth and dignity of nations, - it is these who abstain from marriage or postpone it. Thus the imprudent, the desperate, - those whose standard is low, those who have no hope,

the intellect and exhaust the frame. No no ambition, no self-denial, on the one doubt noblesse oblige, and riches can buy side, and the pampered favourites of fortune the highest education, bating that education on the other, take precedence in the race

by surrounding circumstances which is really the only one that tells very effectually on the youthful plant. No doubt, too, there are splendid and numerous exceptions -instances in which rank is used to mould its heir to its duties, and in which wealth is used to purchase and achieve all that makes life noble and beneficent. But we have only to look around us, and a little below the surface, and then ask ourselves whether as a rule, the owners of rank and wealth

still more the owners of wealth without rank - are those from whose paternity we should have most right to anticipate a healthy, a noble, an energetic, or a truly intellectual offspring - a race fitted to control and guide themselves as well as others, to subdue the earth as well as to replenish it, to govern, to civilise, to illustrate, to carry forward, the future destinies of man? And if it is not from the highest and most opulent, assuredly it is not from the lowest and most indigent. The physique and the morale of both the extreme classes are imperfect and impaired. The physique of the rich is injured by indulgence and excess that of the poor by privation and want. The morale of the former has never been duly called forth by the necessity for exertion and self-denial; that of the latter has never been cultivated by training and in

of fatherhood, to the disadvantage or the exclusion of the prudent, the resolute, the striving and the self-restrained. The very men whom a philosophic statesman or a guide of some superior race would select as most qualifying and deserving to continue the race, are precisely those who do so in the scantiest measure. Those who have no need for exertion, and those who have no opportunities for culture, those whose frames are damaged by indulgence, and those whose frames are weakened by privation, breed ad libitum; while those whose minds and bodies have been hardened, strengthened and purified by temperance and toil, are elbowed quietly aside in the unequal press. Surely the 'selection' is no longer'natural.' The careless, squalid, unaspiring Irishman, fed on potatoes, living in a pig-stye, doting on a superstition, multiplies like rabbits or ephemera : the frugal, foreseeing, selfrespecting, ambitious Scot, stern in his morality, spiritual in his faith, sagacious and disciplined in his intelligence, passes his best years in struggle and in celibacy, marries late, and leaves few behind him. Given a land originally peopled by a thousand Saxons and a thousand Celts, - and in a dozen generations, five-sixths of the population would be Celts, but five-sixths of the property, of the power, of the intellect,

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