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Ponce, Porto Rico.

Captured, X., 165–166.

Population of, in 1910, I., 9.

Ponce De Leon, Juan, Discovers Florida, I., 1,

Pontchartrain, Jerome De Phelypeaux, Comte
de, Commissions Cadillac to found De-
troit, II., 68.

Pontgravé, François Gravé, Sieur Du Pont,
Activities of, in settling Canada, I., 130-

Pontiac's Conspiracy, II., 123-127.
Poor, Gen. Enoch.

At battle of Monmouth, III., 117.

With Sullivan's expedition against Six Na-
tions, III., 143.

Poor Richard's Almanac, IV., 68.

Poor Whites, In the South, VII., 141-142.
Pope, John, Favors renewal of Bank charter,
V., 318.

Pope, Gen. John (Fed.).

Sent to northern Missouri, VIII., 64.
Criticizes Frémont, VIII., 69.

Moves against Confederates, VIII., 86.
Captures New Madrid and Island No. 10,
VIII., 94-96.

Arrives at Shiloh, VIII., 102.

At Corinth, VIII., 164-1C5.

Placed in command of Army of Virginia,
VIII., 187, 200.

His tactless address, VIII., 202.

Defeated at second Bull Run, VIII., 205-


Reinforced, VIII., 210.

Ordered to Washington, VIII., 211.
Removed from command, VIII., 212.

Appointed commander of third military dis-
trict, IX., 385.

Popham, Captain, V., 423.

Popham, Sir John, Sends out colonization ex-

peditions, I., 213.

Poplar Spring Church (Peebles' and Pegram's
Farms, Vaughan Road), Va., Battle of,
IX., 46-47.


Of States, Territories, possessions, and chief
cities, by decades, I., 7-11.

Of the Cliff-dwelling region, I., 62.

Of the colonies in 1689, I., 436-437.

Of Louisiana in 1727, II., 66.

Of the English and French colonies in 1755,
II., 89.

Of the colonies in 1764, II., 130.
Growth of the colonies, II., 149-151.



Of the States in 1790, III., 328.
Increase of, stimulates industries, IV., 41.
Of Mississippi in 1800, IV., 475.

Of Northwest Territory, IV., 476.

Of States and cities in 1800, IV., 478-481.
Increase of, from 1780 to 1810, V., 300.
Number of negroes in 1810, VI., 277.
Of States and cities in 1820 and 1830, VI.,

Of States and cities in 1840, VII., 119.
Of chief cities in the South, VII., 140-141.
Of country and chief cities in 1850 and 1860,
VII., 429-430.

Effects of slavery on, VIII., 18.

Of Western States and cities, 1850-1870,
IX., 156.

Of the country in 1910, X., 297.
Populist Party.

Nominates Watson and Tibbles, X., 250.
Nominates Watson and Williams, X., 275.
Porcupine, Peter. See WILLIAM COBBETT.
Porcupine, The, At battle of Lake Erie, V.,


Porcupine River, I., 14.

Porpoise, The, VII., 211.

Port Gibson, Miss., Capture of, VIII., 314-


Port Hudson, La., Siege and capture of, VIII.,

Port Republic, Va., Battle of, VIII., 185-186.
Port Royal, The (Fed.), At Fort Darling,
VIII., 173-174.

Port Royal, Canada.

Destroyed by Argall, I., 172.

Captured by Kirke but restored, I., 215.
Captured by the English colonists and re-
named Annapolis, I., 459.

Port Royal Bay, S. C.

Capture of Forts Walker and Beauregard
at, VIII., 71-72.

Battle at, between the Palmetto State and
Chicora and the Union fleet, VIII., 287-

Port Royal Ferry, Engagement at, VIII., 73.
Porter, David.

On the Constellation, IV., 414-415.
On the Experiment, IV., 418-419.
On the Enterprise, V., 87.

Commands the Constitution, V., 94.
Commands the Essex, V., 457.
Captures the Alert, V., 463.

Starts on southern cruise, V., 468.

Captures the Nocton and other vessels, V.,

486 et seq.

Takes possession of Nukahiva, V., 488-489.

Porter, David-Continued.


Defeated by the Phoebe and Cherub, V., 489–

Arrives at New York, V., 492.

Captures the Planter, VI., 2-3.

Porter, David D. (Fed.).

Bombard. Forts Jackson and St. Philip,
VIII., 157-161.

At Vicksburg, VIII., 168.

Accompanies Sherman's expedition, VIII.,

Passes Vicksburg batteries, VIII., 313.
Bombards Grand Gulf, VIII., 314.

In Red River expedition, VIII., 415 et seq.
At Fort Fisher, IX., 91-92.
Porter, Gen. Fitz-John (Fed.).

At Yorktown, VIII., 155-156.

At Hanover Court House, VIII., 175-176.
At Mechanicsville, VIII., 190–191.
At Gaines' Mill, VIII., 191–192.
Begins retrograde movement, VIII., 193.
At Malvern Hill, VIII., 196.

Sails from Harrison's Landing, VIII., 202.
At second Bull Run, VIII., 205-210.
At Antietam, VIII., 225-229.
Porter, Horace.

Repudiates Gould's purchase of gold, IX.,

Delegate to peace conference, X., 254.
Porter, Lieut. John, Commands the Boxer, VI.,

Porter, Major Moses.

Sent to warn Spanish against further in-
roads, V., 140.

Commands artillery, V., 412.

Porter, Gen. Peter B.

In Congress, V., 266.

On Foreign Relations Committee, V., 279.
Report of, V., 280.

Introduces bill for volunteers, V., 283.
Introduces Embargo bill, V., 291.

Appointed Erie Canal commissioner, V.,

Opposes renewal of Bank charter, V., 316.
Urges volunteers to enlist, V., 358-359.
Fights duel with Smyth, V., 360.
At battle of Chippawa, V., 424-426.

At battle of Lundy's Lane, V., 428-430.
At Fort Erie, V., 432-434.

Porter, Com. William D. (Fed.), Destroys the

Arkansas, VIII., 169.

Porter, Confederate guerilla, VIII., 257-258.
Porterfield, Col. George A. (Confed.), De-
feated at Philippi, VIII., 43-44.

Portland, Me.

Founding of, I., 215.

Portland, Me.-Continued.


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Osgood succeeded by Pickering, IV., 124.

Gideon Granger, V., 3, 223.

Return J. Meigs, Jr., VI., 134.

John McLean, VI., 238.

William T. Barry, VI., 345.

Amos Kendall, VI., 502.
Francis Granger, VII., 58.
Charles A. Wickliffe, VII., 66.
Cave Johnson, VII., 176.
Jacob Collamer, VII., 279.
Nathan K. Hall, VII., 292.
James Campbell, VII., 317.
Aaron V. Brown, VII., 387.
Montgomery Blair, VII., 477.
William Dennison, IX., 86.
A. W. Randall, IX., 379.
J. A. J. Creswell, IX., 400.
Marshall Jewell, IX., 446.
David M. Key, X., I.
Horace Maynard, X., I.
Thomas L. James, X., 14.
Timothy D. Howe, X., 16.
Walter Q. Gresham, X., 16.
Frank Hatton, X., 16.
William F. Vilas, X., 24.
Don M. Dickinson, X., 24.
John Wanamaker, X., 42.
Wilson S. Bissell, X., 52.
William L. Wilson, X., 52.
James A. Gary, X., 74.

Charles Emory Smith, X., 74.
Robert J. Wynne, X., 252.
George B. Cortelyou, X., 252.
Frank H. Hitchcock, X., 276.

List of, X., 534-535.

Posts and Postage.

Posts and Postage-Continued.


Operations of the Confederate Post-Office

Department, VIII., 144-145.

Postal money order system established, IX.,

Extension of postal facilities, IX., 316-317,

Postage reduced to two cents, X., 19.
Progress and work of the Post-Office De-

partment, X., 469, 486.

Pot Ashes, Exports of, II., 187.

Potapsco River, Smith's exploration of, I., 163.

Smith's attempts to produce, I., 164.
Other attempts to manufacture, I., 176.

Planted at Jamestown, I., 160.

Produced in the colonies, II., 183.

Production of, 1840-1860, IX., 233.

Production of, 1866-1910, X., 342.
Potomac, The, VII., 211.

Potomac River, I., 19.

Smith's exploration of, I., 163.

Dispute between Virginia and Maryland
over navigation on, II., 148.
Rumsey's steamboat on, III., 330.

Pottawatomie Massacre, The, VII., 372-373.
Pottawattomi Indians.

Nicolet establishes friendly relations with,
I., 418.

Participate in the Outagamie war, II., 69-


In Pontiac's conspiracy, II., 123.

Conclude treaty of Greenville, IV., 199.
In Black Hawk War, VI., 479–480.

Potter, Elisha, Demands protection for Rhode
Island industries, V., 381; VI., 46.

The first mail route on the continent, I., Potter, Maj.-Gen. Robert B. (Fed.).

Establishment of the British post-office sys-
tem in America, II., 9.

Neale's patent, II., 2-4; IX., 315.
Establishment of Post-Office Department

by Continental Congress, II., 353; IX.,

At Spotsylvania Court House, VIII., 445.
At the North Anna, VIII., 448.

At Poplar Spring Church, IX., 46.
Potter, William P., On Maine Court of Inquiry,
X., 91.

Potter, of North Carolina, Opposes renewal
of Bank's charter, VI., 362.

Rates of postage fixed by Congress, IV., Potts, John.

Attack on the mails in Pennsylvania, IV.,

Post routes in 1800, IV., 483.

Rates of postage lowered in 1816, VI.,


Attack on the mails at Charleston, VI., 436-

Law passed to prevent holding of mail, VI.,

Becomes governor of Virginia, I., 270.
His arrest and release, I., 271.
Poulain, Father William, Attempts to convert
the Indians, I., 131.

Poultry, Number of, 1880-1910, X., 343.
Pourré, Don Eugénio, Leads expedition to
Michigan, III., 280.

Powderly, Terrence V., X., 410.

Powell, Gen. John, Accompanies Burgoyne,
III., 19.

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Powell, J. W., His divisions of Indians into
linguistic stocks, I., 33-34.

Powell, Lazarus W.

Moves appointment of compromise com-
mittee, VII., 451.

On corrupt practices, VIII., 117.


Smith's visit to, I., 159-160.

Releases Smith, I., 162.

His plan to attack Jamestown frustrated by
Pocahontas, I., 166.

Concludes treaty with colonists, I., 170.
Powhatan Indians, I., 36.

Pownall, Thomas, Opinion of, regarding sen-
timent in America, II., 272.

Prairie, The, X., 101.

Prairie Du Chien, Captured by the British, V.,

Prairie Grove, Ark., Battle of, VIII., 258-259.
Pratt, Orson, Migrates with the Mormons, VI.,

Pratt Institute, X., 434.

Preble, Commodore Edward.

Sent to Mediterranean with squadron, V.,

Sends squadron to Tangiers, V., 90.
Bombards Tripoli, V., 92-93.

Preble, Jedediah, Appointed militia general,

II., 330.

Preble, The, At Lake Champlain, V., 437-440.
Precious Stones, States found in, I., 28.
Prentiss, Gen. Benjamin M. (Fed.).

At Shiloh, VIII., 97-103.

At Helena, VIII., 455-456.


Object to Lutheran Church, I., 299.

Emigrate to America, II., 161.

Tolerated in Virginia and the Carolinas, II.,


Establish churches in Maryland, II., 176.
In Georgia, II., 176.

In New Jersey and Pennsylvania, II., 177.
Organize general assembly, III., 339.
Ministers and churches of, IV., 62; X.,

Attitude of, toward slavery, VI., 434, 449.
Enter missionary field, IX., 272.

Prescott, Gen. Richard.

Captured by Americans, III., 17.
Exchanged, III., 18.

Prescott, Col. William, Fortifies Breed's Hill,
II., 366.

Prescott, William, Delegate to Hartford Con-

vention, VI., 59.

Prescott, William H., Writings of, IX., 283-



Prescott, Ariz., Population of, in 1910, I., 6.
President, The.

Constructed, IV., 404.

Sent to Tripoli, V., 84, 87.
Returns home, V., 88.

At Tripoli, V., 94.

Defeats the Little Belt, V., 246–247.

At New York, V., 457.

Chases the Belvidera, V., 457-458.
Cruise of, V., 479, 480.

Captured by British fleet, VI., 36–38.
Presidential Succession, IV., 162-163; X., 25,

List of, X., 526.

Presidential candidates, X., 527-529.
Election of. See ELECTIONS.
Presqu' Isle. See ERIE.

Preston, Maj. Charles, Surrenders St. John's,
Canada, II., 390.

Preston, Capt. William, Trial of, for compli-
city in Boston "Massacre," II., 268–271.
Preston, Brig.-Gen. William (Confed.).

At Murfreesboro, VIII., 253-256.

At Chickamauga, VIII., 373–377.
Preston, William B., Becomes Secretary of the
Navy, VII., 279.

Prevost, Gen. Augustine.

Placed in command of British forces in
Georgia, III., 160.

Defeats General Ashe, III., 162–163.

Compels Moultrie to retreat, III., 164.

Abandons siege of Charleston, III., 164-165.

Retreats from Stono Ferry to Beaufort,

III., 166.

Defends Savannah, III., 168-170.

Joins Clinton, III., 188.

Prevost, Gen. Sir George.

Governor of Upper Canada, V., 342.

Letter regarding Canadian militia, V., 345.
Arranges armistice with Dearborn, V., 346-

Repulsed at Sackett's Harbor, V., 408-409.
Attacks Plattsburg, V., 436-437.

Retreats, V., 440.

Recalled to England, V., 441.
Prevost, J. B.

Appointed justice of Louisiana court, V.,

Reports on conditions in Oregon, VI., 170.
Price, Major, At battle of Fallen Timbers,
IV., 197-198.

Price, Gen. Sterling (Confed.).

Defeats Mexicans, VII., 213-214.
Appointed major-general of Missouri State
guard, VIII., 35.

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Price, Gen. Sterling (Confed.)—Continued.
Concludes truce with General Harney,
VIII., 36.

At battle of Carthage, VIII., 61-62.

At battle of Wilson's Creek, VIII., 64–66.
Occupies Springfield, VIII., 66.
Drives Lane out of Missouri, VIII., 67.
Captures Lexington, Mo., VIII., 68.
Evacuates Springfield, VIII., 93.
At Pea Ridge, VIII., 94.

Defeated at Iuka, VIII., 304-305.
At Camden, VIII., 415.

At Jenkins' Ferry, VIII., 416.
At Helena, VIII., 456.

At Little Rock, VIII., 457.
Invades Missouri, VIII., 468.

Price, The (Confed. and Fed.).

Captured at Memphis, VIII., 167.
Passes Vicksburg batteries, VIII., 313.
Prideaux, Gen. John, Killed at siege of Niag-

ara, II., 114.

Priestley, Joseph, Arrives in America, IV., 253.
Prigg vs. Pennsylvania, Case of, VII., 172-173.
Prince, Brig.-Gen. Henry (Fed.), At Cedar
Mountain, VIII., 203-204.

Prince, Thomas, Library of, IV., 65.
Prince de Neufchâtel, The.

Repulses the Endymion, VI., 8-9.

Captured by British frigates, VI., 10.

Prince Edward Island, Captured by English.

II., 110.

Prince Regent, The.

At Sackett's Harbor, V., 391, 408.

Under Yeo, V., 404.

Prince Regent, The, Armament of, V., 421.
Princess Charlotte, The, Armament of, V.,


Princess Royal, The (Confed.), Captured,
VIII., 287.

Princeton, N. J.

Washington retreats to, II., 461.
Defeat of the British at, III., 7-9.

Princeton College.

Charter secured for, II., 15.

Description of, IV., 497.

Effect of Civil War on atendance at, IX.,

Princeton, The, VII., 211.

Pring, Martin, Voyage of, I., 149, 213.

The first press in America, I., 267; IV.,

Prohibition of, in New York, I., 308.

The third press set up at Philadelphia, I.,

Early printers in the colonies, IV., 69.


Stereotyping introduced, IX., 162.


Printz, John, Governs New Sweden, I., 196.

Attacks of Canadian privateers on New
England fisheries, I., 470.

Allowed to be fitted out in French ports,
III., 93.

Fitted out by New England merchants, III.,

Commissioned by Genêt, IV., 218.

Stipulations regarding, in Jay's treaty, IV.,

French complaints regarding treatment of,
IV., 316-317.

Capture of the Mount Vernon by the Flying-
Fish, IV., 325-326.

American citizens forbidden to privateer,
IV., 335.

Authorized by Congress, IV., 404.

Privateering abandoned in San Domingo,
IV., 417.

Actions of, in naval war with France, IV.,

Construction of, in War of 1812, VI., I-2.
Capture of the Pursuit and Planter, VI., 2-3.
Escape of the Governor Tompkins, VI., 3.

Cruise of the Comet, VI., 3-5.

Action between the Chasseur and St. Law-
rence, VI., 6-7.

Barney's cruise in the Rossie, VI., 7.
Capture of the Dominica by the Decatur, VI.,

Cruise of the Prince de Neufchâtel, VI., 8-


Defeat of the General Armstrong, VI., 10-13.
Davis' proclamation calling for, VIII., 26.
Capture of the Savannah and Petrel, VIII.,

Operations of the Jeff Davis, VIII., 57.
Capture of the Chesapeake, VIII., 394-395.
Cruise and capture of the Florida, IX., 9-11.
Cruise and destruction of the Alabama, IX.,

Privileges and Exemptions, Charter of, I., 192,


Proctor, Col. Henry.

Reinforces Malden, V., 344.

Defeated at Maguaga, V., 347-348.

Defeats Winchester at Frenchtown, V., 363-

Retreats to Malden, V., 367.

Repulsed at Fort Meigs, V., 368-369.

Again attacks Fort Meigs, V., 370.

Defeated at Fort Stephenson, V., 370-372.

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