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Manson, Brig.-Gen. Mahlon D. (Fed.), At
Richmond, Ky., VIII., 243.

Manufactures. See INDUSTRIES.
Manzanillo, Attack on, X., 177–178.

Maple Sugar, Use of, by the Indians, I., 80.
Maples, Capt. John F., Defeats the Argus, V.,

Maps of the United States, I., 16.
Marblehead, Mass.

Constituted a port of entry, II., 293.

Offers Boston the use of her wharves and
warehouses, II., 301.

Marblehead, The.

Armament of, X., 99.

At Cienfuegos, X., 117.

Marbois, M. Barbé, Criticizes the United

States, III., 303.

Marbury vs. Madison, V., 104.

Marcy, William L.

Makes remark "To the victor belong the
spoils," VI., 389.

Becomes Secretary of War, VII., 176.
Issues call for volunteers, VII., 193.
Orders Taylor to break off armistice, VII.,

Informs Scott of Trist's errand, VII.,

Fails to receive Democratic nomination,

VII., 309.

Becomes Secretary of State, VII., 317.
On Koszta case, VII., 319.

Negotiates reciprocity treaty with Canada,
VII., 333-334.

Desires to buy Cuba, VII., 338.
Instructs Soulé regarding Black Warrior af-
fair, VII., 338-341.

Repudiates Ostend Manifesto, VII., 342.
Concludes treaty with Hawaii, X., 80.
Marcy, Mt., I., 12.

Marietta, Ga., Engagements at and near, VIII.,


Marietta, O.
Founded, III.. 391.

Number of houses in, IV., 234.

New England colony at, IV., 481.
Seizure of Burr's boats at, V., 153.
Marietta, The.

Armament of, X., 99.

Accompanies the Oregon, X., 122-123.


Marin, Conducts expedition to Presqu' Isle,
II., 76.

Marion, Francis.

Activity of, III., 196, 206, 254.

Captures Fort Watson, Fort Mott and
Georgetown, III., 255-256.

Joins Greene, III., 258.

Sent to attack British outposts, III., 259.
At Eutaw Springs, III., 259–262.
Marionette Shows, II., 168.

Mark's Mills, Ark., Engagement at, VIII.,


Markets, Public, Ordered to be established
at Boston, I., 249.
Markham, William.

Sent by Penn to Pennsylvania to arrange
boundaries, etc., I., 400.

Appointed secretary of the council, I.,

Becomes head of Delaware colony, I., 406.
Sent to govern Pennsylvania, II., 16.
Marmaduke, Maj.-Gen. John S. (Confed.)
At Helena, VIII., 456.

At Little Rock, VIII., 457.

Marque and Reprisal, Letters of.

Issued by Massachusetts, II., 378.
Davis' proclamation regarding, VIII., 26.
Marques del Duero, The.

Armament of, X., 100.

At battle of Manila Bay, X., 108-110.
Marquette, Father Jacques.

Aids Allouez to establish St. Mary mis-
sion, I., 425.

Explores the Mississippi, I., 425-426.
Marriage and Marriage Customs.
Among the Indians, I., 52.

The first English wedding in America, I.,

Pope Clement VII. refuses to grant di-
vorce to Henry VIII., I., 201.
Provisions relating to, in Fundamental
Constitutions of New Jersey, I., 321.
Intermarriage of whites and negroes for-
bidden in Virginia, II., 23, 159.

Mixed marriages prohibited in the South,
IX., 372.

Marriage Order, The, IX., 354.
Marsh, George P., IX., 285.

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Calls meeting at Braddock's Field, IV., 246.

Resolutions introduced by, IV., 249. Marshall, James Wilson, Discovers gold in California, VII., 272.

Marshall, John.

At Virginia ratifying convention, IV., 13.
Appointed envoy to France, IV., 334.
The X. Y. Z. mission, IV., 348 et seq.
Opposes Sedition Law, IV., 371.
Elected to Congress, IV., 444.
Speaks on Robbins case, IV., 452.
Appointed Secretary of State, IV., 456.
Appointed Chief Justice, IV., 471.
Administers oath to Jefferson, V., 1.
Renders opinion in Yazoo land claims, V.,

Renders decision in case of Marbury vs.
Madison, V., 104.

Burr brought before, for examination, V., 156.

Decides Supreme Court has no right to grant writ of habeas corpus, V., 158. Commits Burr for misdemeanor, V., 159. Directs Jefferson to produce papers, V., 160.

Decides Burr is not guilty, V., 162. Electoral votes for, in 1816, VI., 132. Administers oath to Jackson, VI., 344. Decision in case of Cherokee Nation vs. Georgia, VI., 366–367.

On effect of slavery, VI., 428; VIII., 15.

On the sovereignty of the States, VIII.,


Appointed Virginia boundary commis-
sioner, IX., 206.

Work of, as chief justice, IX., 321-322.
Death of, VI., 486.

Marshall, Samuel S., Member of Judiciary

Committee, IX., 391.

Marshall, Thomas R., Elected Vice-President, X., 301-302.

Marsouin, The, Captured, IV., 411.

Martens, F., X., 70.

Martha's Vineyard.

Represented in first New York Assembly,

I., 307.

British depredations at, III., 129. Martin, Homer, X., 456.


Martin, John, Appointed to Virginia council, I., 158.

Martin, Josiah.

Becomes governor of North Carolina, II., 283.

Expelled, II., 412-413.

Martin, Luther.

At Federal Convention, III., 448-497. Opposes popular elections of representatives, III., 456.

Member of committee of compromise, III., 467.

Opposes per capita vote in Senate, III., 474.

Opposes importation of slaves, III., 488.
Member of compromise committee, III.,

Predicts Maryland will reject constitution,
III., 492.

Argues Yazoo land case, V., 82.
Counsel for Chase, V., 108.

Speech of, V., 110.

Counsel for Burr, V., 159.

Martin, Lieut.-Col. William T. (Confed.).
Rides around McClellan, VIII., 188.

At Spring Hill or Thompson's Station,
VIII., 363-364.

Martindale, Denies oppression of the South,
VI., 360.

Martindale, Maj.-Gen. John H. (Fed.).

At Hanover Court House, VIII., 176.
At Cold Harbor, VIII., 454.

Martinez, Francisco P., Offers to arbitrate
Mexican claims, VII., 13-14.

Martinique, Blockaded by England, V., 167. Martinsburg, Va., Engagements at, IX., 23. Marvin, William, Appointed provisional governor of Florida, IX., 366–367.

Mary, Queen of England, Protestant persecutions under, I., 202.

Marye's Heights (Fredericksburg), Battles at, VIII., 234, 302-303.


Granted to Lord Baltimore, I., 2, 278-279.
Area, population, chief cities, and date of
ratification of Constitution, I., 7, 10.
Coal mines in, I., 27.

Baltimore's dispute with Clayborne, I., 280281; II., 140-141.

Calvert's attempt to open trade with New England colonies, I., 281.

Enactment of the code of laws, I., 281-282. Establishment of toleration in, I., 282.

Attempt of Clayborne and Ingle to usurp Government, I., 282-283.

Disputants for the possession of, I., 283.





Prohibition of Sunday games, blasphemy,

etc., I., 283.

Founding of Providence or Annapolis, I.,

The contest over the ownership of, I., 284.
Boundary dispute with New Netherland, I.,

Establishment of mint in, I., 378.
Property of, I., 379.

Attempts to secure maintenance for clergy
of, I., 379.

The Protestant revolution in, I., 379-380.
Baltimore's dispute with James II. over
charter, I., 380.

The dispute with Pennsylvania over boun-
dary, I., 402-403; II., 19, 141-142.
Population of, in 1689, I., 437.
Revision of the statutes, II., 28.
Capital removed to Annapolis, II., 29.
Toleration extended to all except Catholics,
II., 29.

Persecutions of Catholics in, II., 29.
Free school system established in, II., 29,

Catholics debarred from share in govern-
ment, II., 29.

Baltimore founded, II., 30.

Membership in proposed colonial confeder-
ation, II., 85.

Assembly appropriates money to protect
frontier and to pay bounties on scalps,
II., 96.

Aids in crushing Pontiac's conspiracy, II.,


Population of, in 1764, II., 130.

Dispute with Virginia over navigation on
Chesapeake Bay and the Potomac, II.,

Exports from, II., 149.

Population of, II., 149-151.

First newspapers in, II., 149-152.

Form of government in, II., 152.

Political conditions in, II., 156.

Religious conditions in, II., 176.
Iron-furnaces established in, II., 179.
Cultivation of tobacco in, II., 185.
Exports from, II., 188.

Recognizes white servitude and negro slav-
ery, II., 190.

Land system in, II., 196.

Appoints delegates to colonial congress,
II., 227, 229.

Demonstration against Stamp Act in, II.,


Refuses to be intimidated, II., 259.


Trade with Great Britain, II., 271.
Upholds action of Massachusetts, II., 275.
Tea party at Annapolis, II., 279.
Urges general congress, II., 299.
Sends aid to Boston, II., 301.

Delegates of, in Continental Congress, II.,

Delegates of, instructed to oppose indepen-
dence, II., 355.

Expulsion of Governor Eden, II., 413.
Delegates authorized to concur in inde-
pendence measures, II., 426.
Adopts State constitution, II., 432.
Population of, in 1790, III., 328.
Form of government in, III., 333.
Religious conditions in, III., 337.
Catholics in, III., 339.

Sentiment in, favoring emancipation, III.,


Further slave importations prohibited, III.,

Value of coins in, III., 342.
Portion of debt, III., 353.
Refuses assent to impost, III., 355.

The dispute over paper money in, III., 359.
Favors opening of Mississippi, III., 378.
Refuses to sign Articles of Confederation

until States consent to cede Western
territories, III., 384.

Dispute with Virginia over boundary, III.,
416 et seq.

The convention at Annapolis, III., 418.
Votes of, in Federal convention, III., 456
et seq.

Ratifies Constitution, IV., 8.

Land acreage and assessed valuations in,
IV., 39-40.

Tonnage of vessels built in, IV., 42.
Imports and exports of, IV., 50-51.

Charters University of Maryland, IV., 59.

Provides for religious freedom in, IV., 63.
Vote of, at first election, IV., 80.
Opposes assumption, IV., 107.

Offers land for a Federal District, IV., III.
Apportionment of debt, IV., 115-116.
Representation in Congress, IV., 162.
Electoral vote of, in 1792, IV., 167.
Electoral vote of, in 1796 IV., 296.
Privateers of, IV., 404.

Appropriates money to erect Capitol and
White House, IV., 446.

Electoral vote, in 1800, IV., 464.
Population in 1800, IV., 478.

Suffrage limitations in, V., 98–99.
Electoral vote in 1804. V., 116.

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Disapproves of reapportionment, V., 118.
Electoral vote in 1808, V., 213.
Enacts stay law, V., 266.
Government in, V., 301.
Iron ore in, V., 303.

Turnpike corporations in, V., 303, 305.
Value of manufactures of, V., 314.
Attempt in, to manumit slaves, V., 327.
The Baltimore riots, V., 336-337.
Electoral vote in 1812, V., 376.
Destruction of Frenchtown, Havre
Grace and other places, VI., 14-16.
The campaign and battle of Bladensburg,

VI., 22-30.

The attack on Baltimore, VI., 33-36.
Federalists' election frauds in, VI., 132.
Electoral vote in 1816, VI., 132.


Governor elected by the people, VI., 137.
Imposes tax on branch of United States
Bank, VI., 180.

The case of McCulloch vs. Maryland, VI.,

Favors slavery for Missouri, VI., 201.
Slave laws of, VI., 284.

Aids colonization society, VI., 291.

Charters Baltimore and Ohio Railway, VI.,

Revises criminal code, VI., 324.
Electoral vote in 1832, VI., 391.
Opposes convention of States, VI., 404.
Forbids negroes to assist at religious meet-
ings, VI., 428.

Provides penalty for inciting slave insur-
rections, VI., 429.

Votes against expunging, VI., 486.

Pays debt with quota of surplus, VI., 491.
Revises her constitution, VI., 494-496.
Banks of, resume specie payments, VI., 511.
Electoral vote in 1840, VII., 55.
Electoral vote in 1844, VII., 115.
Laws restricting slave-trade, VII., 163.
Dispute with Pennsylvania over fugitive
slave, VII., 172.

Electoral vote in 1848, VII., 260.

Electoral vote in 1852, VII., 314.

Electoral vote in 1856, VII., 384.

Electoral vote in 1860, VII., 429.
Attack on the Massachusetts 6th at Balti-

more, VIII., 24-25.

Fails to pass secession ordinance, VIII.,

The Merryman case in, VIII., 30-31.
Lee begins his invasion of, VIII., 217-218.
The battle of South Mountain, VIII., 220-




The battle of Sharpsburg or Antietam,
VIII., 224-229.

Republican success in, VIII., 355.

Amends constitution and abolishes slavery,
VIII., 465-467; IX., 361.

Engagement at Maryland Heights, IX.,

Operations on the Monocacy, IX., 23-25.
Electoral vote in 1864, IX., 85.

Boundary dispute with Virginia, IX., 206.
Value of lands in 1813, 1815, 1850, 1860,
IX., 216-219.

Tobacco produced in, IX., 234.

Chief exports of, IX., 238.

Educational progress in, 1789-1865, IX., 263
et seq.

Constitutions adopted by, IX., 327.
Militia furnished by, X., III.

Property values in 1860, 1870 and 1909, X.,
310, 313.

Persons engaged in agriculture in 1870-
1900, X., 341.

Governors of, X., 542.

Maryland, The

Constructed, IV., 404.

Sold, V., 84.

Maryland, University of, Chartered, IV., 59.

Maryland Heights, Engagement at, VIII., 219;

IX., 23.

Masbate Island, I., 15.

Mascoutin Indians.

Participate in the Outagamie War, II., 69–

Attack the Illinois, II., 71.

Mashouda, The, Captured, VI., 125.

Mason, Charles, Traces Mason and Dixon
line, II., 129.

Mason, George.

Drafts Virginia non-importation resolu-
tions, II., 264.

Aids in preparing resolutions of sympathy
for Massachusetts, II., 296.

Drafts Virginia bill of rights, II., 422.
Appointed commissioner to settle contro-
versy with Maryland, III., 417.

Appointed delegate to Annapolis conven-
tion, III., 418.

Appointed delegate to Federal Convention,
III., 420, 498.

Favors popular elections of representa-
tives, III., 456.

Member of committee of compromise, III.,

Objects to basis of representation, III.,

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