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Freneau, Philip.

Writes Revolutionary satires, II., 313. Edits National Gazette, IV., 159. Attacked by Hamilton, IV., 164–165. Abuses Washington, IV., 224-225. Poems of, IX., 275.


Friends, Ministers, churches and numbers of,

X., 442. See QUAKERS.

Friends of the Temple, Ministers, churches and numbers of, X., 442.

Fries, John, Rebellion of, IV., 449–450. Frobisher, Martin, Attempts to discover Northwest passage, I., 138.

Frolic, Defeated by the Wasp, V., 464–466. Frolic, The, Captured by the Orpheus, V., 481.

Fromentin, Eligius, Quarrels with Jackson,

VI., 159.

Front Range Mountains, I., 13.

Front Royal, Va., Engagement at, VIII., 181182.

Frontenac, Louis de Buade, Comte de.

Permits Duluth to explore in the West, I.,

Forms three estates in Canada, I., 432-433.
Plans municipal government, I., 433.
Quarrels with Talon, Perrot, and the
clergy, I., 433-434.

Subsequent quarrels lead to his recall, I.,

Again appointed governor, I., 436.

Sends expeditions against English colonies,
I., 440.

Repulses Schuyler's attack on Montreal and

Phipps' attack on Quebec, I., 442-443. Attacks Iroquois villages, I., 451. Sends Cadillac to Michillimackinac, II., 67. Frontera, Captured by Perry, VII., 212. Frost, Brig.-Gen. D. M. (Confed.), Surren

ders Camp Jackson, VIII., 34-35. Frothingham, James, IX., 300. Frothingham, Thomas, Convicted under Sedition Law, IV., 376.

Fruit, Value of production of, 1870-1910, X.,

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Fuller, Henry M., Defeated for Speakership, VII., 364.

Fuller, Maj.-Gen. John W. (Fed.), At Parker's Cross Roads, VIII., 250.

Fuller, Margaret. See OSSOLI, MARGARET FUL


Fuller, Melville W.

Appointed Chief Justice, X., 33.

Renders income tax decision, X., 56. Arbitrator in Venezuela dispute, X., 69. Fuller, William.

Becomes president of Maryland, I., 284. Defeats Stone at the Severn, I., 284. Attempts to arrest Fendall, I., 284. Fulling-Mills, Erected in colonies, IV., 43. Fulton, Robert.

Appointed Erie Canal commissioner, V., 307.

Sails the Clermont, V., 308.

Granted monopoly of steam navigation in
New York, V., 308-309.

Celebration in honor of, X., 299.

Fulton Line, The, VI., 474.

Fundamental Orders, The, I. 263, 267–269. Fundamentals or Body of Liberties, Promulgation of, I., 323-324.


In the South, II., 161.

The great event in New England, II., 164. Funston, Gen. Frederick.

Captures Calumpit, X., 191.

Captures Aguinaldo, X., 193-194.

Furniture, Of the Indians, I., 85-86.
Furor, The, Destroyed, X., 150.
Furs and Fur Trade.

Effect of the Indian fur-trade on the
topography of the United States, I., 66-

Pontgrave's activities in, I., 130-132.
Value of the Dutch exports of, I., 191.
Established by the Swedes, I., 196.
Patent for, issued to the Puritans, I., 215.
Value of exports from New France, I., 215.
Illicit trade of the Dutch with Indians, I.,

Secured by the English, I., 460.
Growth of, in South Carolina, II., 39.
Monopoly of, given to Cadillac, II., 68.
Position of the Six Nations with regard to,
II., 69.

Monopoly of, given to Le Sueur, II., 71.
Exports of, II., 187.

Furs placed on free list in tariff of 1789,
IV., 100.

The founding of Astoria, VI., 168.
Fustic, Exportation of, limited, II., 205.



Gabriel, Angel, VII., 353. Gadsden, Christopher.


Persuades South Carolina Assembly to send delegate to colonial congress, II.,


Appointed delegate to Stamp Act Congress, II., 229.

Speech of, II., 229.

Character of, II., 253.

Delegate to Continental Congress, II., 304. Gadsden, James, Negotiates treaty with Mexico, VII., 333.

Gag Rules.

Introduced by Owens, VI., 447-448.
Introduced to stop Adams, VI., 499-501.
Introduced by Patton, VII., 28.
The Atherton gag, VII., 36-37.
The Wise-Adams gag, VII., 48.

Gage, Lyman J., Becomes Secretary of the
Treasury, X., 74.

Gage, Gen. Thomas.

In Braddock's campaign, II., 92.
Sends officer to Boston, II., 260.

Promises to quell any disturbance in colon-
ies, II., 280.

Appointed governor of Massachusetts, II.,

Rejects councillors, II., 299.
Dissolves the House, II., 300.
Declares non-importation compact treason-
able, II., 301.

Fortifies Boston and its environs, II., 302.
Suspends meeting of the House, II., 329.
Refuses to suspend work on fortifications,
II., 330.

Attempts to seize stores at Salem, II., 338-

Sends troops to seize powder at Concord,
II., 340.

Places colony under martial law, II., 365.
Sends troops to dislodge Americans, II.,

Correspondence with Washington regarding treatment of prisoners, II., 375. Recalled to England, II., 375-376. Gaines, Gen. Edmund P.

Arrests Burr, V., 156.

Commissioned colonel, V., 338.

At Fort Erie, V., 431-434.

Sends Clinch to occupy Indian lands, VI.,


Sends Twiggs against Seminoles, VI., 143.
Sent to Amelia Island, VI., 143.
Left to hold Pensacola, VI., 148.


Gaines, Gen. Edmund P.-Continued.
Correspondence of, with Troup, VI., 301.
Invades Mexico, VI., 468–469.

Makes treaty with Black Hawk, VI., 479.
Attacked by Osceola, VI., 483.

Gaines' Mill, Va., Battle of, VIII., 191-193.
Gainesville, Va., Battle at, VIII., 207.
Galena, The (Fed.), At Fort Darling, VIII.,

Galissonnière, Marquis de la, Sends Céloron de Bienville to Ohio country, II., 76. Gallatin, Abraham Albert Alphonse de.

At meeting of whiskey insurrectionists, IV., 249-250.

Speeches of, regarding Jay's treaty, IV.,
275-276, 278.

Introduces anti-slavery petition, IV., 314.
Leads Republicans, IV., 333.

States position of Republicans, IV., 336.
Claims Blount cannot be impeached, IV.,

Speech of, regarding declaration of war with France, IV., 363.

Affirms people are submissive to laws, IV.,

Speaks against Alien and Sedition Laws,
IV., 373.

Deprecates expenditures on navy, IV., 403.
Letter regarding Federalists, IV., 425.
Endeavors to adjust French Spoliation
Claims, IV., 442.

Returns to Congress, IV., 453.

Statement as to Democracy in Pennsylvania, IV., 498.

Appointed Secretary of the Treasury, V.,

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Gallatin, Abraham Albert Alphonse de-Cont'd.
Retained by Madison as Secretary of the
Treasury, V., 223.

Issues circular to collectors, V., 239.
Recommends increased duties, V., 242.
Resigns office but is retained, V., 243.
Attacked by Giles, V., 282.
Reports on finances, V., 286.

Suggests increase of import duties, V.,

Reports on roads, canals, harbors and
rivers, V., 306; IX., 346–347.
His plan of a tariff, V., 312–313.
Reports on manufactures, V., 314-315.
Presents report on the Bank, V., 316.
Suggests invasion of Canada, V., 339.
Reports on financial conditions, V., 377.
Orders collection of forfeitures, V., 380.
Resigns but is appointed peace envoy, V.,
385-386; VI., 85.

Awards loan to capitalists, V., 386-387.
Nomination as peace envoy rejected, V.,

Goes to London, VI., 87.

Considers England's terms unreasonable,
VI., 87.

Calls on Alexander, VI., 87.
Negotiations of, VI., 89 et seq.

Concludes commercial convention with
England, VI., 120.

Negotiates convention of 1818, VI., 166–

Letter regarding American foreign policy,
VI., 223.

Nominated for the Vice-Presidency, VI.,

Resigns the candidacy, VI., 233-234. Claims Oregon for the United States, VI., 253-254.

Endeavors to adjust dispute over West India trade, VI., 257-258. Gallipolis, Founded, IV., 234-235. Galloway, Joseph.

Delegate to Continental Congress, II., 304. Attacks proceedings of Congress and joins the British, II., 312; III., 10.

Galt, Sir Alexander T., Member of Halifax Commission, X., 7.

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Gama, Vasco da, Voyage of, I., 116. Gambier, Lord.

British peace envoy, VI., 88. Negotiations of, VI., 89 et seq. · Gamble, Hamilton R.


Appointed provisional governor of Missouri, VIII., 37.

Factional disputes of, VIII., 402-404. Gamble, Lieut. John M., At Nukahiva, V., 488-489, 493.

Gamble, Lieut. Thomas, Commands the Spark, VI., 125.


In the South, II., 161.

The anti-lottery movement, VII., 131-132. Games. See SPORTS AND PASTIMES. Ganges, The.

Constructed, IV., 404.

Cruise of, IV., 410.

Captures privateer, IV., 421.
Sold, V., 84.

Gansevoort, Col. Peter, Defends Fort Stanwix, III., 31-33.

Garay, General, Sent against Goliad, VI., 465. Garcia, Manuel del Popolo Vicent, Produces Italian operas in America, IX., 302-303. Garcia Y. Iniguez, Calixto.

Offers services of Cuban troops, X., 131. Withdraws from Santiago, X., 160. Garden Bed Mounds, I., 97. Gardenier, Barent.

Attacks embargo, V., 196.

Wounded in duel with Campbell, V., 196. Gardiner, Major, Defeated by Moultrie, III.,


Gardiner, Lion, Wealth of, IV., 36.
Gardner, Maj.-Gen. Frank (Confed.).

Surrenders Port Hudson, VIII., 327-329.
Opposes Stoneman, IX., 104-105.
Gardner, Henry J., Elected governor of Mas-
sachusetts, VII., 355.

Gardoqui, Don Diego.

Negotiates with Jay regarding navigation
of the Mississippi, III., 374 et seq.
Other negotiations regarding the same, IV.,

Garfield, James A.

Drives Marshall from Missouri, VIII., 87. At Chickamauga, VIII., 375-376. Connection of, with Crédit Mobilier scandal, IX., 442.

Member of Electoral Commission, IX., 476. Makes agreement with Southern politicians, IX., 478.

Elected President, X., 11-12.

Approves apportionment bill, X., 13.

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At battle of Monterey, VII., 202–205.
At Churubusco, VII., 241-242.
At Molino del Rey, VII., 244-245.
Garland, Brig.-Gen. Samuel (Confed.).
At Malvern Hill, VIII., 197.

At South Mountain, VIII., 222–223.
Garnett, Brig.-Gen. Richard B. (Confed.).
At South Mountain, VIII., 222-223.
At Gettysburg, VIII., 343-345.

Garnett, Gen. Robert S. (Confed.), Killed at

Rich Mountain, VIII., 44-46.

Garnier, Father Charles, I., 425.

Garnier, Julien, I., 425.

Garrard, Col. Israel (Fed.), Captured

Rogersville, VIII., 389.

Garrard, Maj.-Gen. Kenner (Fed.).

At Farmer's Bridge, Ga., VIII., 475-476.

At Mobile, IX., 17-18.

Garreau, Father Leonard, I., 425.


Garretson, Brig.-Gen. George A., In Porto

Rico, X., 165 et seq.

Garrison, William Lloyd.

Early efforts of, in behalf of abolition, VI.,

Arrested for libel, imprisoned and released,
VI., 424.

Issues the Liberator, VI., 424-425.

Attacked by mob, VI., 426.

Indicted for felony, VI., 429.

Attends negro convention at Philadelphia,
VI., 431.

Attacked at Boston, VI., 435.

Advocates dissolution of the Union, VII., 173.

Brands Constitution as a "Covenant with
death and an agreement with hell," VII.,

Suggests independent Northern govern-
ment, VII., 447-448, 468, notes.
Work and writings of, IX., 278.

Garth, General, Leads expedition into Connecticut, III., 174-175.

Gary, James A., Becomes Postmaster-General,

X., 74.

Gary, Maj.-Gen. M. W. (Confed.).
At Deep Bottom, IX., 42.
At Hatcher's Run, IX., 47.
At Fair Oaks, IX., 48.


Gas Lighting, Introduction of, VI., 306–307.
Gaspee Affair, The, II., 273.
Gaspereau, Fort at, captured by English, II.,

Gates, Gen. Horatio.

In Braddock's campaign, II., 92.

Accompanies Monckton to West Indies, II.,


Appointed adjutant-general, II., 351.

Takes command of forces retreating from
Canada, II., 397.

His dispute with Schuyler, II., 397-398.
Marches to join Washington, II., 401.
Arrives, II., 464.

Supersedes Schuyler in command, III., 34.
Corresponds with Burgoyne regarding Mc-
Crea murder, III., 35.

Establishes quarters at Behmus' Heights, III., 36.

At battle of Freeman's Farm, III., 37-39. Defeats Burgoyne at Behmus' Heights. III., 42-45.

Receives Burgoyne's surrender, III., 4748.

Slights Washington by reporting directly to Congress, III., 49.

Joins Conway's Cabal, III., 78.

Appointed to command of Southern army,
III., 197.

Defeated at Camden, III., 197–201.
Superseded by Greene, III., 202.

Presides at Newburg meeting, III., 293.

Gates, Sir Thomas.

Member of the London Company, I., 150.
Wrecked on way to Virginia, I., 165.
Arrives at Jamestown, I., 168.

Brings more emigrants and supplies, I.,

Returns to England, I., 172.

Gatling, R. J., Completes first Gatling gun, IX., 162.

Gauley Bridge, W. Va., Battle at, VIII., 78–79.
Gayle, Governor John, VI., 442.

Gayoso De Lemos, Manuel, Refuses to sur-
render western posts, IV., 342.
Gazette of the United States, IV., 159.
Geary, Brig.-Gen. John W. (Fed.).

Appointed governor of Kansas, VII., 383.
Resigns, VII., 385.

Occupies Harper's Ferry, VIII., 149.
At Cedar Mountain, VIII., 203-204.
At Chancellorsville, VIII., 301-303.


Geary, Brig.-Gen. John W.-Continued.
At Gettysburg, VIII., 342–345.
At Chattanooga, VIII., 379–386.

At Ringgold Gap, VIII., 386-387.
At Dalton, VIII., 472-473-

At Resaca, VIII., 475.

At Pine Mountain, VIII., 478.
At Kolb's Farm, VIII., 478-479.
At Peach Tree Creek, VIII., 482.
Enters Savannah, IX., 69.

At Averasboro, IX., 100-101.
At Bentonville, IX., 103.


Gedney, Lieut.-Com. Thomas R., Captures the Amistad and claims salvage, VII., 79-81. Geiger, Col. Frederick, At Tippecanoe, V.,


Gemoenepæn, N. J., Founded, I., 308.
General Armstrong, The.

Defeats the Coquette, VI., 10.

Destroyed in Fayal Roads, VI., 10-13. General Education Board, X., 433. General Greene, The.

Constructed, IV., 404.

At San Domingo, IV., 417. General Lezo.

Armament of, X., 100.

At battle of Manila Bay, X., 108-110.

General Pike, The.

Armament of, V., 403.

Attacks the General Wolfe, V., 409.
At Oswego, V., 420.

General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the County of Kings, V., 320.

General Wolfe, The.

Armament of, V., 403.

At Sackett's Harbor, V., 408.
Compelled to retreat, V., 409.

Renamed the Montreal, V., 421.

Genêt, Edmond Charles Edouard.

His appointment as minister to the United States and the object of his mission, IV., 215-216.

Arrival of, IV., 217.

Commissions privateers, IV., 218.

Reception of, at Philadelphia, IV., 219–220.
Received by Washington, IV., 221.
His requests for money, IV., 221.
Protests at Cabinet decisions, IV., 222.
Demands release of French citizens, IV.,

Protests at seizure of privateers, IV., 223. Reprimanded by French government, IV., 226.

Refuses to detain Le Petit Démocrate, IV., 226.

His abusive letters, IV., 227-228, 230.


Genêt, Edmond Charles Edouard-Continued. Demands prosecution of Jay and King, IV.,


Is recalled, IV., 231–232.

Subsequent career of, IV., 232.

His projected attack on Louisiana and the
Floridas, IV., 206-207, 232.

Geneva Arbitration Tribunal, IX., 418.
Genius, The, Captures the Columbus, IV.,


Genius of Universal Emancipation, The, VI.,


Geology, Of the United States, I., 25-26.
George III.

Approves Stamp Act, II., 223.

His speech to Parliament, II., 232.
Assents to repeal of Stamp Act, II., 238.
Signs the Declaratory Act, II., 238.
Approves Townshend's revenue act, II.,

Signs act placing duty on tea, II., 275.
Obstinacy of, regarding America, II., 280.
Message to Parliament, II., 292.

Petition to, sent by Continental Congress,
II., 309, 326-327.

Announces determination to coerce colo-
nies, II., 333.

Address of the colonies to, II., 348.

Petition to, II., 352, 362-364.

Message to Parliament, II., 407.

Statue of, in New York City destroyed, II., 430.

Message to Parliament, III., 94.

Approves Lord North's conciliatory measures, III., 97.

Urges vigorous prosecution of war, III.,

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