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orous presence of may be dark (and there was God as that remark- much that was dark in the land) had manifested it in the Church, and in the world,

Who could count still there must be light when sags that had fallen such a meeting could be susou God's chosen? who could tained. The tide of religious the hearts that he had com- feeling was so strong six years cred and strengthened? who ago that it swept over the encould count the spirits from tire land, and in the West the whose eyes he had wiped the largest hall in one of the large tear? who could number the cities was scarcely sufficient to distressed ones he had lifted up hold the crowds that came but from the dust, and set them up- now the interest had abated. on the rock? who would be able He hoped that the time was not to tell the plans of his grace as distant when the Spirit of God angels rejoiced over sinners would be poured out, and union turning to God, and the Church prayer-meetings would be again of God had felt the blessedness established throughout the counof his divine appearing, making try. The country needed nothem grow as the vine, and cast thing so much as a fresh bapforth their roots as Lebanon? tism of the Holy Ghost. The Fulton street prayer-meeting was a living token of the everlasting fidelity of the redeeming plan. No one touched those sacred precincts without going back saying: "What hath God wrought?"



The remarks of Dr. Cuyler had a local and practical application to the condition of things in the city of New York. He said this anniversary commenced at the opening of another year of Christian labor. The pastors We live, said Dr. R., in a day of our city churches, and the of great things. One of those tens of thousands of working strange things was the Fulton Christians, had been out for a street prayer-meeting. He did few months on their furlough, not believe that there has ever but now they were mustering been just such a meeting upon back again into service for a the face of the earth-a prayer new spiritual campaign. meeting kept up with constant their return they saw two new interest for six years, in the sights-one was the beautiful midst of war, and its anniver- parks of our city being made sary attended with such a crowd the place of occupation of solshowing not only by their pres- diers sent here for the purpose ence, but by their very expression of keeping "the dangerous class of the countenance, the deep from making a disturbance, and and heartfelt interest there is the other spectacle was the in it, thus giving a pledge that charred remains of fires kindled it shall celebrate another and by incendiary torches of New another anniversary. Whatever York's "dangerous classes." Of



the civil bearing of that matter ries? No Harlan Pages in the he had nothing to say, but he pews? they had not purses that asked the Christians of New the war had made longer, so as York, if God ever sent a more to shame every donation they thrilling and tremendous ser- ever made? was there none in mon for city christianization, that assembly who would start and earnest, prayerful, evangeli- another Sunday-school class? cal work, than was found in He exhorted them to determine those two astounding events. in that blessed house of prayer, There was no "dangerous class" at the foot of that altar of devo here except they were dark and tion, to do as Jacob did-to give depraved, and the "dangerous the heart, the voice, the purse class" in New York were made the prayer, the blessed toil, for so by the want of the gospel of some of those dark, dangerous, Jesus Christ. Danger was the degraded, dying ones who lived other side of the equation of only in another room of the depravity. It was the work, great one hundred-roomed house the privilege and the duty of of New York. Then, when Christians as they came back they met at the next anniverfor a new year of labor, to de- sary, they would have a blessed termine that they will be one offer of thanksgiving to present before God in an earnest effort to the Master. to evangelize this city, to save its souls from destruction and Dr. Anderson said that prayer to glorify the Lord our Saviour. was mightiest when the man New York was one great home, was weakest; when we could with a hundred thousand rooms send a cry to God from an in it. Some persons in the Fifth empty heart; when we found avenue may be living in the neither reliance upon ourselves parlors, and some in the Five nor on the arm of flesh, but Points and the Hook may be from a sense of abandonment living in the cellar; some were we could pour one earnest plea working for their living in the into the ear of Christ. His kitchen, and some were toiling (the speaker's) heart had been in the workshop; some were up moved as he heard the calls for in the dark and unvisited attics, consecration, and as he felt the and some were down in the coal- absence of those peculiar influhole; but they were all in one ences of the Holy Spirit that house, and one family occupied it. were so largely enjoyed in 1857, If they would save the city, '58, and '59. He felt like offerthere was much to be done. On ing earnest prayer to God in looking over that vast assem- behalf, not only of our own city, blage, he asked if there was no- but of our own land. When body come back to the city de- they looked over the vast termined to work as he never amount of wickedness in the worked before. Were there no city, and when they saw the Isbella Grahams in the galle- little that seemed to be effected,

...banding Christians to in saying that the triumphs of Berns of the altar. Was grace, the trophies of redeemnot teaching us that our ing love connected with the power was entirely impotent? Fulton Street prayer-meeting, and was he not saying to every would far exceed those of the one who has an interest at the first day of Pentecost. When throne of grace: "My child, this meeting was organized, it your weakness prompts your was established with a simple prayer; wont you go into your evangelical purpose. In 1857, closet?" In conclusion, Dr. when the brethren came together Anderson urged the congrega- they met not with any sectation to win the appellation of rian, donominational, or personIsrael, who was a prince with al aims, but they assembled reGod, wrestled and prevailed.

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membering that Jesus Christ After prayer by Rev. Dr. had said: "Father, I pray that Marsh, and singing the hymn, they all may be one, that the "All hail the power of Jesus' name," world may believe that thou The Rev. Dr. Porter, the able hast sent me." There was a editor of the Christian INTEL- Christian unity characterizing LIGENCER, addressed the meet- the Fulton street meeting that ing. He said the angel of the had never been disturbedcovenant in early times mani. When he looked over the audifested himself to the chosen, ence who had an interest in the but in the fulness of time Jesus meeting, and remembered the Christ, the "brightness of the tens of thousands throughout Father's glory, and the express the country who had been beneimage of his person." was found fitted by this instrumentality in fashion as a man, that he he felt a constant tide of thanksmight manifest God unto us and giving was going up to God, raise us up into fellowship with which only anticipated the joy the divine. And when Jesus and praise that would be felt entered into the vail and sprink- and uttered in the upper sancled the mercy-seat with his own tuary when those who had been blood previous to his ascent, he saved in answer to prayer promised the Holy Spirit to be would meet upon the mount poured out, and in fulfilment of of God. In answer to prayer that promise on the day of Pen- offered in the Fulton Street tecost three thousand were con- daily meeting, children had verted but that was only the been given to mothers, husbands beginning of this spiritual dis- to wives, and what to some pensation. It was right for the would appear miraculous, reChurch to anticipate that in quests for persons at a distance growing years and in enlarged in different localities had been experience there should be answered. No cunning mafuller exhibitions of the power chinery had been used to draw of prayer, and he was sure men to the sacred convocation that there was no exaggeration day by day, and although the

meeting was under the special lenial glory would dawn upon guardianship of the corporation us. They ought to feel that the of the church founded by the divine Jesus was sufficient to do early settlers of this island his great work, and that the there has not been a narrow, gospel has within itself an un sectarian thought in the bosom derlying power, a divine energy of the men who had charge of the meeting. When they came up to heaven to celebrate the anniversary of the redeeming love of Christ, there would then be the fulfilment of the promise-they who are one in Christ shall be one with him in glory.


to reach the masses of the people, be they moral or immoral, exalted, or base learned or ignorant. In the revival of 1857 this truth was also demonstrated, that the laymen of the church were not only the legitimate co-operators of the minister, but the co-operators of the Lord Jesus Christ. The history of the Christian Church showed, After touching on the great in all seasons of declension, minhistoric of the church in the isterial usurpation and isolation day of Pentecost, and in the days and lay inactivity and seclusion. of Constantine, Luther, Calvin, Ministers could not save the John Wesley and Jonathan Ed- world. They were the medium wards, who rose up to preach of the truth, but it was by the the great truth of personal holi- united effort of lay men and ness, and to spread Christian women of all classes that the holiness over these lands, on world was to be converted. In that anniversary occasion they that hour many talents were should ask themselves, "what exhumed; men of princely inwere the great truths evolved tellect, of education, of personal six years ago, and had they influence. and of affluence in soreaped the full advantages of ciety-men who had occupied that gracious revival ?" The positions in the Church, but truth was demonstrated in 1857, whose voice had never been that the gospel could reach all heard in public-came forth, classes, and that their salvation and they were surprised at the was practicable. As memory amount of talent and piety in went back and recalled that the laity of the Church. halcyon hour when soldiers, trusted that they would rememmerchants, and labourers, when ber these great truths and carry men, women, and children, in them out in practical life, so that the morning, and especially at in the years to come, standing the noon-day hour leaving their fast in the faith, firm in the avocations, their domestic du- truth, and working efficiently in ties, and their schools, flocked to the house of God, a beautiful type was furnished of what the church was to be when the mil


this great cause, they might see again thousands of people crowding to the portals of the church of our Divine Lord.

ADDRESS OF G. H. STEWART, ESQ. plaint come up from the hosts He said he came to bring to who were gathered in battle the brethren of the Fulton array in defence of our counstreet meeting the tribute of try. A returned delegate sent

thanksgiving and of praise of the out by the Christian CommisPhiladelphia noon-day prayer- sion said that he never met men meetings, who in the provi- so near the cross of Christ as dence of God, intended in a the soldiers who were fighting few days to celebrate the anni- the battles of our country. This vesary of their six years of was a large meeting in the emunited, fervent, earnest prayer porium of the West, at the midto God for his blessing to de- day hour, but he could take scend upon the of Church of them to a meeting, held three Christ, and upon a lost and times each day, larger than it, ruined world. All the noon all composed of men wearing meetings had not been sus- the uniform of the United pended, for in the city to which States soldier. The average

Dr. Rice referred, he not long attendance was from one to two since attended one of the best thousand immortal souls, anxdaily prayer-meetings held in ious to seek Jesus, and to speak our whole country. As the a word for their blessed Master. providences of God were being The Church of Christ in Amerdeveloped in the struggle now ica should wake up to the imgoing on in our country for the portant fact that God by his maintenance of the best Gov- wonderful providence has openernment that God had ever ed up to her the greatest misgiven to man, he understood the sionary field that ever was prehistory of the Fulton street sented to any Church. It was meeting as he never did before; not in far-off India or China, he could understand why it was but it was composed of sons that that little band were led brothers, fathers, and husbands by God's Spirit to commence in who were risking life, that we the adjoining building a meet- might continue to enjoy the ing for prayer; he could under- blessed privileges we possess. stand the divine message of the Last evening he received a letsainted son of the President ter from the wife of a major-gen(Dr. Tyng) to stand up for eral in Gen. Rosecrans' army Jesus; but it was when he went transmitting fifty dollars to aid down into the great armies of in spreading the gospel of our country, who were standing Christ, as a testimonial of what up manfully for the "Old Flag," he owed for the labors put forth. that he understood the history which, under God, resulted in of the daily prayer-meetings. the conversion of that gallant

Ministers were complaining of general, who was leading one of the absence of God's Spirit the corps against the combined from the sanctuary, but blessed hosts that were trying to overbe God, he heard no such com- throw our Government.

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