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The lists of the organization of the Rebel "Provisional" and "Permanent" Government have been made up from every accessible source, and, though not complete, are more nearly so than any other yet published north of the Potomac, and as nearly so as present facilities afford. They are the result of careful and extensive examination. As a matter of interest, the names of those of the conspirators who were once members of the Congress of the Union have been put in italic.

This work was undertaken a few months ago without a realizing sense of the labor it involved. I can scarcely hope to have escaped errors, both of omission and commission, but have striven to make it fair, impartial, and truthful. It deals with the most momentous events of this Century, which will be studied while civil Government exists. I trust that the volume will be of service to those consulting it, and that its general effect will be to help strengthen the purpose of the American people to maintain their Unity, their Freedom, and their Power.

August 11, 1864.



I have revised the entire work, and corrected every error ascertained. The Appendix has expanded greatly beyond the original design. Much of the matter in it is quite inaccessible, and the delays and uncertainties of procuring it led almost insensibly to an enlargement, and also somewhat disturbed the methodical arrangement elsewhere preserved. The historic papers of the South Carolina Convention, as now printed, are from official copies, and differ very suggestively from current versions, in numerous material points. The votes on Secession Ordinances, and subsequently on the Extinction of Slavery, in several of the rebellious States, form a pleasing contrast.

The copious chapter on "The Church and the Rebellion" has been gathered with great care, and will serve to show their mutual relations and influence, as well as the singularly diverse views which have prevailed in Church courts. The contributions from the Bureau of Military Justice illustrate the practical working of the Emancipation policy, and will amply justify attention. To the action of the last session of Congress, and the record of the Presidential canvass which preceded it—of the result of which an official tabular statement is furnished-every student of American politics will have constant occasion to refer. On the great unsettled question of Reconstruction, the full record is presented.

It would be improper, in issuing this enlarged, and it is hoped improved edition, not to express my thanks for the kind reception given the first by the Press and the Public.

March 24, 1865.



[blocks in formation]

Action of Conventions in South Carolina, Geor

gia, Mississippi, Florida, Louisiana, Alabama,

Arkansas, Texas, North Carolina, Tennessee,

Virginia, Kentucky, and Missouri-Insurrec

tionary Proceedings in the State of Maryland

-Inter-State Commissioners-Organization of

a Southern Congress," and Provisional Gov-

ernment-Address of South Carolina to the

Slaveholding States, her Declaration of Inde-

pendence, and Debates on them-Speech of

Alexander H. Stephens before the Georgia Legis-

lature, Nov. 14, 1860-Extracts from Addresses

by A. II. Stephens, July, 1859, and Jan., 1861;

James H. Hainmond, October, 1858; and R. M.

T. Hunter, 1860-Extract from the Appeal for

Recognition, by Yancey, Rost, and Mann, and

Earl Russell's Reply-Seizure and Surrender of

Public Property, from November 4, 1860, to March

4, 1861-Changes in President Buchanan's Cab-

inet-Correspondence between President Buch-
anan and the South Carolina "Commission-
ers"-Demand for Surrender of Fort Sumter-
Report on the Transfer of Arms to the South
in 1859 and 1860-Davis's Bill for the Sale of
Government Arms to the States-How the Tel-
egraph aided Secession-Intrigues for a Pacific
Republic-Mayor Wood's Message Recommend-
ing that New York be made a Free City-"Per-
sonal Liberty" Laws.



BECTIONARY STATES.................................. .................

Names of the Senators and Representatives of

the Thirty-Sixth Congress, Second Session-

President Buchanan's Last Annual Message-

Attorney General Black's Opinion on the Powers

of the President-The House Committee of

Thirty-Three and their Proposition for Adjust-

ment, together with abstracts of all other propo-

sitions, and votes thereon-Votes on Resolutions

respecting the "Personal Liberty" Laws, the

Union, Major Anderson's Course, Coercion, Non-

Interference with Slavery, and on the Bill to

Suppress Insurrection, and to provide for the

Collection of Customs-Report of Committee

upon the Danger of the Capital, and Vote upon

Branch's Resolution to withdraw Troops from

the District of Columbia, with Secretary Holt's

Report-Disposition of the Navy, and Vote of

Censure upon Secretary Toucey-Propositions

in Congress by Mason, Hunter, Clingman, Craige,

and others Settlement of the Question of Sla

very in the Teritories.

Arrest of Members of the Maryland Legislature

and of the Baltimore Police Commissioners-

Orders of Gen. McClellan and Secretary Came-

ron-John Merryman's Case and Chief Justice

Taney's Opinion-Attorney General Bates's

Opinion on the President's Power to Arrest and

to Suspend the Privilege of the Writ of Habeas

Corpus-Views of Horace Binney and Theophilus
Parsons-Case of C. L. Vallandigham; Decision
of the Supreme Court therein; his Letter on
Retaliation; his return to Ohio, and Speech at
Hamilton-Proclamation of the President Sus-
pending the Privilege of the Writ of Habeas
Corpus-Indemnification of the President-De-
cision of the New York Supreme Court in the
Case of George W. Jones vs. W. H. Seward-
"Confederate" Legislation upon the suspension
of the Writ-Suppressions and Seizures of News-
papers, with the Proceedings of the Courts,
Congress, and the Post Office Department.


The Confiscation Bills, and Amendatory Joint

Resolution, and Special Message thereon-

Emancipation in the Thirty-Seventh Congress—

Proposed Repeal of the Joint Resolution afore-

said-Sequestration in the Rebel States-Judi-

cial and Military Proceedings under the Confis-

cation Law-Proclamation thereon-President's

Message, March, 1862, recommending Compen-

sated Emancipation-Congressional Proceedings

thereon-Interview of Border State Congress-

men with the President-Emancipation in

the District of Columbia-The President's Ap-

peal to the Border State Congressmen, and their

Reply-Extract from the President's Annual

Message, December, 1862-Emancipation in

Maryland and Proceedings of the Constitutional

Convention thereof-Emancipation Proclama-

tions-Votes thereon and Resolutions con-

cerning them-Interview between the Chicago

Deputation and the President-Address of the

Loyal Governors-Mr. Boutwell's Statement

concerning the Issue of the Proclamation-Let-

ters of Charles Sumner and Owen Lovejoy.




Votes on the Passage of the Acts of 1793 and

1850-Repealing Movements in the Thirty-

Second, Thirty-Third, Thirty-Seventh, and

Thirty-Eighth Congresses-Census Report rela-

ting to the Escape of Fugitive Slaves from 1850

to 1860-The New Article of War-Employment

of Slaves in Government Dock-Yards, &c.-Re-

cognition of Hayti and Liberia-Robert Small-

Proposed Removal of the Disqualification of

Color in Carrying the Mails-Negro Suffrage in

the District of Columbia and Montana Territory

-Exclusion of Colored Persons from Rail-cars-

Colored Persons as Witnesses-Repeal of Laws

regulating the Coastwise Slave Trade-Orders

and Letters concerning "Contrabands," by
Gens. McClellan and Butler, and Secretary
Cameron-Fremont's Proclamation of Eman-
cipation, and Correspondence with the President
thereupon-"Contrabands" in the District of
Columbia-Gen. Burnside's Proclamation in
North Carolina-Orders and Proclamations by
Gens. Halleck, Buell, Hooker, McDowell, Double-
day and others-General Instructions by the
President concerning "Contrabands"-Gens.
Phelps and Butler on Arming Negroes-Pro-
posed Congressional Censure of Gen. Halleck's
Order No. 3-Prohibition of Slavery in the Ter-
ritories-Amendments to the Constitution, pro-
posed in the Thirty-Eighth Congress, First Ses-
sion-Resolutions on Slavery in the States, in the
same Congress-Bureau of Freedmen's Affairs.



AND TO "PEACE".....................

The Enrollment Acts of 1863 and 1864, with the

votes upon all their leading Features and Char-

acteristics-Resolutions relative to the Enroll-

ment-Orders of the War Department enforcing

the Draft of 1862-Gen. McClellan's Recommen-

dation of a Draft in 1861-Colored Soldiers and

their Pay-Opinion of Attorney General Bates

respecting the pay of Rev. S. Harrison, colored

Chaplain of the 54th Mass. Regiment-Rules

and Orders for the Protection of Colored Sol-

diers, and the President's Speech thereon-Use

of Colored Men in the "Confederate" Military

Service-Negro Enlistment Act of the Tennes-

see Rebel Legislature-"Confederate" Legisla-

tion upon the Treatment of captured Colored

Troops and their Officers-Homesteads for Sol-

diers-Unemployed Generals-Resolutions upon

the Objects and Prosecution of the War, in the

Thirty-Seventh and Thirty-Eighth Congresses—

"Peace" Propositions in the same-Correspond-

ence between the President and Fernando Wood

-The Niagara Falls Conference and Correspond-

ence-Peace Propositions in the Rebel Congress

-Correspondence between Governor Vance and

Jefferson Davis-Reported Statement of Davis

to Gilmore.

[blocks in formation]

The Reconstruction Bill, with the President's
Proclamation thereon, and Statement of Sena-
tor Wade and Representative Davis-Electoral
Vote of Rebel States-Proposed Commission of
Inquiry Senators from Arkansas-Process of
Reconstruction in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Vir-
ginia-Resolutions by sundry Senators and Rep.
resentatives concerning the Relations of Rebel
States to the Government-Rebel Views of Recon-
struction, being Resolutions by the First "Con-
federate" Congress, and Legislatures of Rebel
States, with Statements of prominent Rebels.


THE PRESIDENT.............................. 333

Message of May 29, 1862-Remarks at Union

Meeting in Washington City, August 6, 1862--



THE PRESIDENT―(Continued.)

Response to a Serenade, July, 1863-Speech at

the Philadelphia Fair, June 16, 1864-Letters to

Horace Greeley, to the Springfield Mass Conven-

tion, to Col. A. G. Hodges, of Kentucky, and

to the Grant Meeting in New York, June, 1864.

OUR FOREIGN RELATIONS..............................................................

The Trent Affair-Monarchical Intrigues in Cen-

tral and South America-Alleged Foreign En-

listments-Foreign Mediation, being Letters

from Secretary Seward to Governor Hicks and

M. Drouyn de l'Huys, and from Lord Lyons to

Earl Russell, with his Views on those of New

York Democrats respecting Foreign Mediation-

The French in Mexico-Congressional Action

thereon-The Arguelles Case.

THE FINANCES.......................

Summary of Financial Legislation from Decem-

ber, 1860, to June 30, 1864-Special War Income

Tax, and Votes thereon-The "Legal Tender"

Question-Loan Bill of 1864-National Currency

Acts-Interual Revenue Acts-Proposed Tax

on Slaves-Tariff Acts of 1862 and 1864-Taxes

in Insurrectionary Districts-The Public Credit

in 1860 and 1861-Statements of Public Debt

from June 30, 1860, to June 30, 1864-" Confed-

erate" Finances, with their Tax, Funding, and

Tithing Acts.


The President's Views on Colonization-Incom-

patibility of Civil and Military Office-Fishing

Bounties-Acts to Prohibit Polygamy; declaring

certain Persons Ineligible to Oflice; and to Pun-

ish Conspiracy-Letters of Marque-Enabling

Act for Nebraska-Admission of West Virginia

-Opinions of Attorney General Bates on Citizen-

ship, and on the Pay of Colored Soldiers-Mc-

Clellan's Letters Recommending a Political

Policy in the Conduct of the War, and Fa-

voring Woodward's Election in Pennsylvania-

Proposed Censure of President Lincoln and Ex-

President Buchanan-Censure of Representa-

tives Long and Harris

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