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"In General Assembly Nov. 2, 1799.

The amendments proposed to this bill were read. On motion, Resolved, That the house do not concur in the said amendments, and that Mr. Chipman be requested to return this bill to the Council, and state the reasons of the nonconcurrence as aforesaid.

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And after stating the reasons for the same, Mr. Chipman withdrew. The same being read and considered, Resolved, That the Governor and Council do rescind from their proposals of amendment, and that the said Bill be referred to Mr. Knoulton and Brigham for further amendment.

Mr. Miller, who was appointed a Committee to receive the proportion of the Election Sermous, and Proclamations for a Thanksgiving, belonging to the Council, reported verbally that he could not learn anything further respecting them than that a Committee had been appointed by the house of Representatives to apportion them.

The following written message was received from the house of Representative thro' their Clerk, viz.

"In General Assembly Nov. 2, 1799. The house have concurred in the amendments proposed to the bill Entitled “An act laying a tax on the town of Mansfield." They have concurred in passing "An act directing the Secretary to record certain commissions;" also "An act in addition to an act to enable the proprietors and landowners of Jericho to divide their lands into severalty." Attest SAM C. CRAFTS, Clerk."


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The following bills, passed in the house of Representatives, were sent up for revision and concurrence or proposals of amendment, viz. An [act] authorizing the proprietors and landowners of Williston to confirm and compleat the divisions or pitches of their lands;" "An act to establish for the time being the jurisdictional lines of the towns therein mentioned;" "An act assessing a tax of one Cent per acre on the town of Middlesex, in the County of Chittenden;" An act empowering the Inhabitants of the Towns of Hubbarton and Sudbury, in the County of Rutland, to draw the waters in certain Mill-ponds raised in Hubbarton and Sudbury to their ancient and natural level at certain seasons of the year;""An act to empower the proprietors of the Township of Lutterloch [Albany,] in the County of Orleans, to establish the survey of said town [and] to proceed to a division of said town into severalty, agreeably to any existing written agreements between the proprietors;" An act assessing a tax of one cent per acre on the town of Duncansboro'" [Newport;] "An act to empower Josiah Hubbard to sell the real estate of Judah Swift, late of Thetford, in the County of Orange and State of Vermont, deceased;" "An act authorizing Francis Davis, Administrator to the estate of Roger Kinsley, to sell certain lands therein mentioned;" "An act assessing a tax of three cents on each acre of land in that part of the town of Goshen which lies in the County of Addison;" and "An act assessing a Tax of one cent on each acre of land in the town of Medway [Mendon,] in the County of Rutland." The said bills being severally read and considered, Resolved, That the Governor and Council do concur in passing the same respectively, and Ordered, That the Secretary acquaint the house therewith.

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A bill, passed in the house of Representatives, Entitled "An act granting the exclusive right of a ferriage to John S. Larraby for the term of ten years," was sent up for revision, &c. and being read, Resolved, That the Governor and Council do concur in passing said bill, with the amendments accompanying the same, and that Mr. Jacob be

requested to carry said bill to the house, and acquaint that body with the reasons for proposing the said amendments.

A bill, passed in the house of Representatives, Entitled "An act to enable Allen Hayes and Abner Forbes to sell and convey all the real estate of Lewis R. Morris West, a minor," was sent up for revision, &c. and being read, Resolved, To concur in passing the same, with this amendment, that the word "two" be erased before the word "thousand,” in the eleventh line of the 24. Section, and insert in lieu thereof the word "three;" and Mr. Jacob requested to inform the house of the reasons for the same.

On motion, Resolved, That Mr. Miller be appointed a Committee to make out and receive the Debenture of Council.

On motion, Resolved, That Mr. Allis be a Committee to join such members as the house of Representatives may appoint to receive and distribute the Election Sermons, and the Proclamations for a Thanksgiving.

The following bills, passed in the house of Representative, were sent up for revision &c. viz. "An act to revive an act Entitled 'An act assessing a tax of two cents per acre on the town of Plainfield, late St Andrew's Gore, for the purpose therein mentioned;"" ""An act empowering Zebulon Spaulding and Martha Davis, Administrators to the Estate of David Davis, late of Hubbardton, deceased, to convey certain lands therein mentioned;" "An act assessing a land tax on the township of Winhall in the County of Bennington;" "An act directing the Treasurer of this State to credit the town of Bethel the sum therein mentioned;" and "An act empowering the Committee appointed on a land tax in the town of Stowe to publish new advertisements." The said bills being severally read and considered, Resolved, To concur with the house in passing the same respectively. Adjourned to 2 O'clock P. M.


Mr. Chipman, member of the house of Representatives, appeared in the Council Chamber and stated that he was requested to acquaint the Governor and Council that there was no business pending before the house.

Mr. Witherell, member of the house, returned the resolution passed in Council this morning, relative to the distribution of the Election Sermons and Proclamations for a Thanksgiving, with this order of that body thereon, viz.

"In General Assembly, Nov. 4, 1779. Resolved, That the house do not concur in the said resolution, and that Mr. Witherell wait upon the Governor and Council and inform them of the reasons of their nonconcurrence.


SAML C. CRAFTS, Clerk." Mr. Witherell stated that the house had anticipated the business contemplated by said resolution, and a distribution of the Sermons and Proclamations had been made accordingly, and then he withdrew.

A bill passed in the house of Representatives, Entitled "An act directing the Treasurer of this State to pay to the Proprietors of Salem the sum therein mentioned," was sent up for revision &c. and the same being read, Resolved, To concur in the passing of the same, with this proposal of amendment, viz. That after the word "repay," in the 3rd line of the 1st Section, erase the whole of the residue of the said bill and insert these words, to wit, "unto the original proprietors of said Salem, their Heirs, Executors, Administrators or certain Agent or Attornies, his, her, or their proportions of the said sum of 536 66100 dollars after the first day of August next, taking his or her receipt or discharge for the

same," and Mr Jacob was appointed to inform the house of the reasons of Council in proposing the said amendment.

The Council resumed the consideration of the bill Entitled "An act directing the publishing of advertisements in the Newspapers therein mentioned," & Resolved, To concur in passing the same, with the proposal of amendment accompanying the same.

The bill Entitled "An act to repeal an act passed in Oct. 1794, directing the uses of the rights of land in this State heretofore granted by the British Government as Glebes for the benefit of the Church of England as by their Law established," was again read and considered, & Resolved, That the accompanying proposal of amendment be proposed to be added to the bill, in lieu of the former one to which the house had nonconcurred.

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The following bills, passed in the house of Representatives, were sent up for revision and concurrence or proposals of amendment, viz. "An act to pay His Excellency the Governor of this State the sum therein mentioned;" "An act granting to Ezra Butler, Jabez Jones, George Kennan and their Associates, the exclusive priviledge of building a toll Bridge over Onion River against Waterbury;" "An act in addition to an act relating to Goals and Goalers, and for the relief of persons imprisoned therein;'" An act directing the Treasurer of this this State to pay to William Rice, eight Dollars and Twenty Cents;" "An act directing the Treasurer of this State to pay the sum of money hereinafter mentioned;" "An act reviving an act assessing a tax of two cents per acre on the town of Braintree;" and "An act for the relief of the town of Springfield, as therein mentioned." The said bills being severally read and considered, Resolved, To concur in passing the same respectively, and ordered, That the Secretary inform the house therewith.

The Council adjourned untill 9 O'clock tomorrow morn.

TUESDAY, November 5th. 1799, 9 O'clock A. M. Council met pursuant to adjournment.

On motion of Mr. Todd, Resolved, that all and singular the votes, resolutions and proceedings on the bill sent up from the house of representatives, on the 2nd. Inst. Entitled "An act directing the publishing of advertisements in the newspapers therein mentioned," done or had thereon yesterday, be and hereby is and are reconsidered. Ordered, That the said bill be referred to Mr Todd for amendment. Mr. Todd reported sundry amendments, which were read and accepted, whereupon Resolved, To concur in passing said bill with the said proposals of amendment, and M. Todd was appointed to inform the house of the reasons of Council in proposing them.

Resolved, the house of Representatives concurring therein, that Mr. Brigham and Mr. Jacob be a Committee on the part of Council to join such Committee as may be appointed on the part of the house of Representatives, as a Committee of conference on a bill now pending before Council, Entitled "An act for the purpose of settling disputes respecting landed property," and to confer on some mode of adjusting the difference of sentiment in the two houses thereon. Ordered, That the Secretary carry the said resolution to the house, which was directly returned with this order thereon:

"In General Assembly, Nov. 5 1799. Resolved, That Mr. G. Olin, Mr Butler, Mr. Harrington, Mr. Shumway and Mr Porter do join the aforesaid Committee.



The following bills, passed in the house of Representatives, were sent up for revision and concurrence or proposals of amendment, viz. “An act establishing a Corporation by the name of the Windsor and Woodstock Turnpike Company;" "An act for the relief of Zadock Hard and others;" "Aa act suspending civil process against Eli Coggswell;" and "An act to prevent the hawking and vending of Feathers, except in the manner therein directed," and the same being severally read and considered, Resolved, To concur in passing the said bills respectively. The following written messages were received from the house: In General Assembly, Nov. 4th. 1799.


The house have concurred in the amendments proposed to the bill Entitled "An act establishing a County Grammar School at St Albans, in the County of Franklin." Nov. 5, 1799, also concurred in the amendments proposed to the act relative to the Glebe lands in this State.


SAML C. CRAFTS, Clerk." "In General Assembly Nov. 5, 1799. The bill entitled "An act in addition to an act directing the mode of publishing advertisements," returned from Council by Mr Todd with proposals of amendment, which were read and Concurred.



Mr. Chipman, member of the house of Representatives, appeared in Council and returned a bill Entitled “An act directing the Treasurer of this State to pay the proprietors of Salem the sum therein mentioned,” to which amendments had been proposed by the Council, with this entry thereon, viz.

"In General Assembly Nov. 4, 1799. The foregoing amendments were read-Resolved, that the house do do not concur in the said amendments, and that Mr. Chipman be requested to return said bill and amendments to the Governor and Council, and state the reasons of the nonconcurrence of the house.

Attest, SAML C. CRAFTS, Clerk."

And after stating the reasons of the house. Mr Chipman withdrew. The said bill and amendments being further considered, Resolved, That the Governor and Council do rescind from their former amendments, and concur in passing the said bill. Ordered, That the Secretary acquaint the house therewith.

A bill, passed in the house of Representatives, Entitled "An act regulating Collectors of land taxes in this State," was sent up for revision, &c. and being read and considered, Resolved, To concur with the house in passing the same, with the revision of the Title, so that it will read. "An act directing the Collectors of land taxes in their office and duty." Mr. Stanton, from the house, returned the bill Entitled "An act dividing the State into districts for electing Representatives to the Congress of the United States, and directing the mode of their election," which originated and passed in Council, with this proposal of amendment annexed to the same: in the 9th line from the top, after " Western district," insert "for the purpose of electing a Representative to Congress;" and after stating the reasons of the house in proposing the said amendment, and requesting the concurrence of Council therein, he withdrew. The said amendment being read and considered, Resolved, That the Goverernor and Council do concur therein.

The following resolution, passed in the house of Representatives, was sent up for revision, &c. viz.

"STATE OF VERMONT, In General Assembly, Nov. 5th. 1799. Resolved, That the Senators and Representatives of this State, in the Congress of the United States, be and they are hereby requested to use their best endeavors that Congress propose to the Legislatures of the

several States the following amendment to the Constitution of the United States, viz.

"That the Electors of President and Vice President, in giving their Votes, shall, respectively, distinguish the person whom they desire to be President, from the person whom they desire to be Vice-President, by annexing the words "President," or "Vice-President," as the case may require, to the proper name voted for. And the person having the greatest number of votes for Vice-President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors chosen, shall be Vice-President: and if there be no choice, and if two or more persons shall have the highest number of votes, and those equal, the Senate shall immediately choose, by ballot, one of them for Vice President, and if no person shall have a majority, then from the five highest on the list the Senate shall, in like manner, choose the Vice President. The Votes shall be taken by States, the Senators from each State having one vote. A quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two thirds of the States, and a majority of all the States shall be necessary to a choice. And in case the Senators and Representatives of this State in Congress shall find that the aforesaid amendment is not conformable to the sentiments of a constitutional majority of both Branches of the national legislature, they are hereby requested so to modify the same as to meet the sentiments of such majority-Provided, however, that any amendment which may be agreed on, shall oblige the Electors to designate the person they desire to be President from the one they desire may be Vice-President. "Resolved, That his Excellency the Governor be requested forthwith to transmit the same to the Senators and Representatives of this State in Congress, and also to transmit the same to the supreme Executive of the several States."

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The same being read and considered, on the question, will the Governor and Council concur with the house in adopting the said resolution? It passed in the affirmative.

Adjourned to 2 O'clock P. M.


Mr. Brigham from the Committee of conference appointed this morning by the concurrent resolution of both houses, reported as follows: To the hon'ble both houses of the legislature now sitting: Your Committee, to whom was referred the consideration of the bill, expressed in the within resolution, report, That they have had a conference but cannot agree upon any proposals whatever respecting said bill. PAUL BRIGHAM for sd. Come."

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The Council resumed the consideration of the bill, brought from the house of Representatives this morning, Entitled "An act for the purpose of settling disputes respecting landed property. On motion, Resolved, To rescind from the former fourth amendment, and to concur in passing said bill with the further proposal of amendment transmitted with the same to the house.

A bill, passed in the house of Representatives, Entitled "An act relating to the Stage Road, as laid out by the Committee for that purpose, thro' the Town of Hartland," was sent up for revision &c. and being read, Resolved, That the Governor and Council do concur in passing the same, with this proposal of amendment: after the four first words in the first Section, erase the residue of the bill and insert the sections accompanying the said bill in their stead.

His Honor the Lt Governor in the Chair.

The following Letter and communication was received from his Excellency the Governor. [Letter not entered on the journal]. The

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