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title Justice's fees at the bottom of the seventh page-erase one Dollar & insert seventy five cents under the title Clerk's of the Supreme & County Courts fees page Ninth. In the Article relating to the recording all Deeds to be by Law recorded in the County Clerk's office the same fees as are allowed to Town Clerks for like services-page tenth under the title Sheriff's, Constable's & Collector's fees at the beginning of the eighteenth Line insert the word Sheriffs, and at the end of said Line Insert fifty Cents. After the Nineteenth Line Insert the words Sheriffs for attending the Supreme & County Courts per day eighty one cents, Constables for like services seventy five Cents-page eleventh at the end of the Eight Line erase the figure five and Insert the figure four-in the Ninth Line erase five & Insert four-Line the tenth erase seventy five & Insert fifty. Line Twelvth at the end erase five & Insert four, Page Twelvth Line third after the word "Complaint" Insert the words before a Justice of the Peace-at the end of the fifth Line erase the figure five & Insert four. Page thirteenth Line third at the end erase eighty one & Insert seventy five cents, erase the fourth Line Under the Title Sheriff's fees, after the words one Dollar add fifty cents in Sheriff's fees for attending the Assembly, & also insert for Attending Supreme & County Courts per Day one Dollar, Constable's fees for Like services &c. seventy five cents.

Adjourned Untill 9 Oclock to Morrow Morning.

THURSDAY Nov. the 9th A. D. 1797.

Met according to adjournment. An Act Directing the Treasurer of this State to pay to Benj. Cadey the sum of Twelve Dollars &c. having passed the House &c. Read & Concurred.

An Act granting to Samuel Campbell a New Trial in a Certain Cause therein mentioned &c. having passed the House &c. Read & Concurred. An Act Directing the Treasurer of this State to pay to the Selectmen of the South Hero the sum of One hundred & nine Dollars & sixty six Cents &c. having passed the House &c. Read & Concurred.

An Act Assessing a Tax of three Cents per acre on all the Lands in Irasburgh & Coventry &c. having passed the House &c. Read & Concurred.

An Act Directing the Secretary of State to Make an Alteration in an Act as therein mentioned &c. having passed the House &c. Read & Concurred.

An Act Appointing New Managers in the Connecticutt River Lottery &c. having passed the House &c. Read & Concurred.

The Honble Samuel Williams, John Strong, Samuel Safford, Cornelius Lynde, William Chamberlain, & Gideon Olin were Duly Qualified to their respective Offices as Judges of the County Courts by his Excellency the Gov'ar in the presence of the Council.

The Act Suspending all Civil prosecutions against Simeon Hager for the Term of three years, which was Nonconcurred in by the Council, being returned adhered too by the House &c. Resolved to Rescind from said nonconcurrence & Concur, with the following proposal of amendment to wit, provided nevertheless, & it is hereby further enacted that the said Simeon Hager shall take no Benefitt by this Act untill he gives bonds with one or more sureties to the acceptance of one of the Judges of the County Court of Bennington County in the sum of One thousand Dollars to his Creditors generally, Conditioned that the said Simeon shall not waste, embezzle, secrete, or Destroy any of his Estate with intent to Defraud any one of his Creditors, which bond shall be filed with

the Clerk of such County Court, and each Creditor on any breach of said Condition shall have right of Action in his own name on said Bond, a Copy of which attested by the Clerk of said County Court may be read in evidence on any such action & have the same Opperation as if such Creditor had been severally named in such Bond & the same was produced in Court.

IN COUNCIL Nov. the 9 day A. D. 1797. Resolved that the House of Representatives be requested to furnish the Gov'nr & Council with a Copy of their Journals of their proceedings on the resolution of Council of the 3'4 Instant recommending to the House of Representatives to proceed to Act upon the amendments proposed by Council to the Bill entitled an Act relating to the Office & Duty of Att'y General, State's Attornies, Clerks of the Supreme & County Courts, & County Treasurers, that the Council may be enabled to proceed on a Bill now before them in part embracing the same Objects &c.

An Act Directing Leather Sealers in their Office & Duty and regulating the sale of Leather, boots & shoes, the Manufacture & sale of Iron & Nails &c. having passed the House of Representatives &c. Read & Concurred.

Adjourned Untill 2 Oclock in the Afternoon.

Met according to adjournment.

An Act Directing the Treasurer to pay to the Selectmen of Norwich the sum of &c. having passed the House, read & Concurred.

An Act assessing a Tax of half a Cent on each acre of Land in the Town of Williston &c. having passed the House &c. Read & Concurred. An Act assessing a Tax of one Cent per acre on all the Lands in the Townships of Fairhaven & Westhaven &c. having passed the House &c. Read & Concurred with proposals of Amendments &c.

An Act for the Limitation of Actions &c. having passed the House &c. Read & Referred to Mess Jacob & Lynde to examine & make report &c. An Act Directing the Treasurer to pay [$103.66] the expences of Election Day &c. having passed the House &c. Read & Concurred.

An Act entitled an act pointing out the Mode of Collecting Land Taxes in several Towns in the County of Chittenden &c. having passed the House of Representatives, Read & Concurred.

An Act Directing proprietors' Clerks to Deliver over to Town Clerks upon the Dissolution of proprietorship all records of said Office &c. having passed the House of Representatives &c. Read & Concurred.

The Gen' Assembly having Concurred in the resolution of Council for meeting in Grand Committee &c. the Gov'nr & Council agreable to the Concurrent resolutions of both Houses met in Grand Committee accordingly-& after the Dissolution of the Grand Committee Govar & Council returned to the Council Chamber & proceeded to the Business of the Day.

A resolution from the House of Representatives with respect to the Debentures of this Session & how the same shall be made up for this Session to wit, the Members of the Assembly & Officers attending them & all other Officers waiting on the Legislature shall be made up agreable to the Bill that has passed the House this Session, & that the Councillors' fees shall be made up at one Dollar & 75 Cents per Day-Read & Concurred.

An Act Confirming to Jonathan Chase Esq. & other proprietors of Cornish Bridge the exclusive right of Building Toll Bridges over Connecticutt River between Cornish & Windsor &c. having passed the House of Representatives &c. Read & Concurred.

An Act Directing the Treasurer of this State to pay Wesley Perkins the sum of 26 Dollars & sixty six Cents having passed the House of Representatives, Read & Nonconcurred & Mr. Williams is appointed to Assign the reasons to the House for said Nonconcurrence.

An Act in Addition to an Act entitled an act regulating proprietors' Meetings &c. having passed the House of Representatives &c. Read & resolved that it be recommended to the House to Lay over said act untill the next Session of the Legislature.

Adjourned Untill 9 Oclock to Morrow Morning.

Met according to adjournment.

FRIDAY Nov. the 10 d A. D. 1797.

The Debenture of Council being made out amounting in the whole to the sum of 922 Doll: & 57 Cents, Read & by the House of Representatives Approved of, Resolved that Mr. Robinson be appointed to receive the Debenture of Council &c.

IN COUNCIL Nov. the 10 d. A. D. 1797. Resolved that his Excellency the Gov't be advized to proceed in making Detachments from the Militia of this State to supply the Quota of Troops required by the Government of the United States in such manner as he shall Judge most proper & Convenient. '

An Act assessing a Tax of one Cent per acre on all the Lands in this State for the support of Government &c. having passed the House of Representatives &c. Read & Concurred with the following proposals of amendment to wit, in the third section after the word "Borough" Insert North Districk [district] & New Borough South Districk-in the same section after the word "Londonderry " Insert Sommerset-in the same section erase the Names of the following Towns to wit, "Chittenden, Philidelphia"-in the same section to the Names of the Towns in Caledonia County Insert Grotton. Sect. 12, In the Line 13th. after the word "advertisement" Insert these words: in which shall be specified the Names of all the several Towns or Gores of Land upon which the Tax has not been paid. Sect. 13th after the word "shall" in the third Line erase the whole Clause & insert these words Viz. between the Hours of Nine Oclock in the forenoon & the setting of the sun the same Day or Days on which the same may be holden, & every sale which shall not be made within the Period of the Day or Days above prescribed is Declared to be Null & Void.

An Act regulating the printing, binding, Distribution & Sale of the Revised Laws of this State &c. having passed the House of Representatives &c. Read & Concurred.

The Act repealing certain acts therein Mentioned having passed the House of Representatives &c. Read & Concurred with the following proposals of amendment to wit, erase the Two first Lines in the 12th page 33 section-24 in the third Line erase the word "July " & Insert the word August.

Adjourned Untill 2 Oclock in the Afternoon.

Met according to adjournment.

An Act suspending the Operation of Certain Acts therein mentioned & for other purposes brought into Council by Mr. Jacob, Read & passed & Ordered to be sent to the House of Representatives for their Concurrence &c.

See Appendix F.

An Act for the Inspection of Beef, Pork, &c. &c. having passed the House of Representatives, Read & Concurred.

An Act Appointing State's Attornies, Clerks of the Supreme Court in the several Counties in this State &c. Regulating their Office & Duty &c. having passed the House of Representatives &c. Read & Concurred.

An Act correcting the errors in the proceedings of Westford &c. having passed the House of Representatives &c. Read & Concurred.

A resolution from the House Appointing three Members as a Committee to Join such Committee as the Council shall please to appoint for the purpose of reporting an act for the Appropriations for the present year &c. Resolved that Judge Robinson be Appointed to Join said Committee.

An Act for the Appropriations for the present year &c. having passed the House &c. Read & Concurred with this amendment, that there be allowed to Mr. West 15 Dollars Instead of ten Dollars.

Information is sent from the House by a Member that they have concurred in the Act sent Down from Council relating to the suspending the Operation of Certain Acts therein mentioned & for other purposes &c. The Act regulating fees &c. returned to the Council from the House of Representatives &c. with proposals of amendment Nonconcurred in. On Motion of Mr. Jacob shall the act be suspended untill next Session of the Legislature, Resolved to suspend said act accordingly. Messrs. Safford, White, & Olin moved to have their Dissent entered Upon the Journals, which was granted. Resolved that Mr. Williams be Appointed to return said act to the House &c.

An Act to Continue in force the several Acts relating to fees &c. Read, Passed & Ordered to be sent to the General Assembly for their revision, Concurrence, or proposals of Amendment.

Resolved that his Excellency the Gover be advised to Appoint the second Wednesday of April next to be Observed as a Day of Humiliation, Fasting & prayer thro'out this State &c.

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Both Houses concluded their Session at Windsor by adjourning with

out Day.

Attest, TRUMAN SQUIER, Secr❜y.



ISAAC TICHENOR, Bennington, Governor.
PAUL BRIGHAM, Norwich, Lieut. Governor.

JONAS GALUSHA, Shaftsbury,
CORNELIUS LYNDE, Williamstown,

NOAH SMITH, Bennington,
TIMOTHY TODD, Arlington,
ABEL SPENCER. Clarendon,

ELIJAH ROBINSON, Weathersfield, BENJAMIN BURT, Westminster.*

TRUMAN SQUIER, Manchester, Secretary, until Oct. 15 1798.5
RICHARD WHITNEY, Guilford, Secretary, on and after Oct. 15.
JOHN CHIPMAN, Middlebury, Sheriff.


NOAH SMITH was born at Suffield, Conn., and was a graduate of Yale College in 1778, having among his classmates Stephen Jacob, who was his colleague in the Council, and his successor on the bench of

'Mr. Williams was elected to both Council and House, and served in the House.

'Resigned Oct, 29, 1798, to accept the office of Judge of the Supreme Court.

8 Elected in Grand Committee and took his seat in the Council Oct. 13 1798.

*Elected in Grand Committee, vice Smith resigned, Oct. 29 1798. 'Mr. Squier resigned Oct. 12 1798, but consented to serve until a successor was appointed.

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