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ISAAC TICHENOR, Bennington, Governor, from Oct. 16 1797.
PAUL BRIGHAM, Norwich, Lieut. Governor.






JONAS GALUSHA, Shaftsbury,
GIDEON OLIN, Shaftsbury,

JOHN WHITE, Georgia,

CORNELIUS LYNDE, Williamstown,
ELIJAH ROBINSON, Weathersfield,

TRUMAN SQUIER, Manchester, Secretary.
LUCIUS HUBBARD, Ludlow, Sheriff.

The members of Council are the same as for the preceding year.

1 For biographical notice and portrait of Gov. Tichenor, see Vol. III.





At a Meeting of his Honor the Lieut. Gov'r & Council Began & Holden at Windsor at their Annual Oct. Session on the second Thursday of Oct. A. D. 1797, Present His Honor the Lieut. Gov'ar Paul Brigham Esquire, & the following Members of the Honb' Council Viz. Samuel Safford, John Strong. Luke Knoulton, Ebenezer Marvin, Jonas Galusha, Gideon Olin, John White, Elijah Robinson, Cornelius Lynde, Samuel Williams, William Chamberlain, & Stephen Jacob Esquires, Councillors. Truman Squier Sec'ry & Lucius Hubbard Sheriff.

A resolution from the House Appointing a Committee Consisting of Two Members from each County to join such Committee as the Council shall please to appoint to Receive, Count, & Sort the Votes for a Gov'ar Lieut. Gov'n Treasurer & Councillors for the [year] ensuing. Read & Resolved that Judge Safford, Williams, Olin, Strong, Marvin, Lynde, Chamberlain, Robinson, and Knoulton, be Appointed to Join said Committee. The aforesaid Committee personally appearing before his Honor the Lieut. Gov'r were Duly Qualified by Oath to their respective Appointment.

Adjourned Untill 4 Oclock in the Afternoon.

Met according to adjournment.1

Adjourned Until 9 Öclock to Morrow Morning.

'From the printed Assembly Journal of Oct. 12 1797:

5 O'CLOCK P. M. The honorable Samuel Safford, esq. chairman of the committee appointed to receive, sort, and count the votes for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Treasurer and Councillors, for the year ensuing, handed to the speaker the following report, to wit:

To the Honorable the General Assembly of the state of Vermont now in session at Windsor.

Your committee appointed to receive, sort and count the votes for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Treasurer and Councillors for the year ensuing, Report. That no person has a majority of votes for Governor. That the honorable Paul Brigham Esq. has a majority of votes for Lieutenant Governor. That Samuel Mattocks Esq. has a majority of votes for Treasurer. That the honorable Elijah Robinson, Samuel Safford, Samuel Williams, Ebenezer Marvin, Cornelius Lynde, William Chamberlain, Jonas Galusha, Luke Knoulton, John Strong, Stephen Jacob,

Met according to adjournment.'

FRIDAY Oct. the 13 d. A. D. 1797.

A Resolution from the House requesting his Honor the Lieut. Gov'nr & Council to Join the House of Representatives in Grand Committee at the Opening of the House in the Afternoon for the purpose of Electing a Gov'r for the year ensuing. Resolved to Join accordingly.

A resolution from the House Appointing One Member from each County a Committee to Join such Committee as the Council shall please to Appoint to Arrange the business of the present Session; Members chosen Messrs. Shumway, Knight, Williams, Isaac Clark, Marsh, Johnson, Keys, [Elnathan Keyes,] Sias, & Fassett. Resolved that Messrs. Knoulton, Strong, & Robinson be Appointed to Join said Committee.

His Honor the Lieut. Gov'r & Council then proceeded to the House to Join said Committee agreable to the resolution which was Concurred in this forenoon-Afterwards returned to the Council Chamber & proceeded to Business."

Adjourned Untill 9 Oclock to Morrow Morning.

John White, and Gideon Olin, Esquires, have the highest number of votes, for councillors, by the suffrages of the people.


Windsor, October 12, 1797.

SAMUEL SAFFORD, for Committee.

Whereupon Lucius Hubbard, esquire, sheriff of the county of Windsor, by proclamation, declared said officers, respectively, duly elected by the suffrages of the people.

The Vermont newspapers of the period give no account of election day services; which, as the appropriations therefor show, were much more expensive than usual. It appears from the printed Assembly Journal that an election sermon was preached by the Rev. Samuel Whiting, of Rockingham.

'From the printed Assembly Journal, morning of Oct. 13, 1797:

The house met pursuant to adjournment, his honor the Lieutenant Governor and the honorable Council being present. The honorable Paul Brigham, esquire, declared his acceptance of the office of Lieutenant Governor, and was duly qualified before the legislature, by the honorable Nathaniel Chipman, esquire, chief judge of the supreme court of judicature.

From the printed Assembly Journal, Oct. 13 1797, afternoon :

The council and general assembly, pursuant to the resolution of this morning, met in joint committee, for the purpose of electing a Governor for the year ensuing. His Honor the Lieut. Governor in the chair, Roswell Hopkins, Clerk. The ballots being taken and examined, the honorable Isaac Tichenor, esquire, had a majority of all the votes. Whereupon Lucius Hubbard, Esq. Sheriff of the county of Windsor, by proclamation, declared the said Isaac Tichenor, Esq. duly elected Governor, in and over the state of Vermont, for the year ensuing.

On motion, Resolved, That Mr. Jacob, Mr. Spencer, and Mr.Samuel Miller be a sub-committee from this joint committee, to wait on the honorable Isaac Tichenor, Esquire, and acquaint him of his appointment, as Governor, in and over the state of Vermont, for the year ensuing.

Mr. Jacob, from the sub-committee aforesaid, reported verbally, That the committee had waited on the honorable Isaac Tichenor, Esq. with a

SATURDAY Oct. the 14 d. A. D. 1797.

Met according to adjournment.1

A Resolution from the House requesting the Lieut. Govar. & Council to Join the House of Representatives in Grand Committee at 9 Oclock this Morning for the purpose of Agreeing on a time when to make the County Elections. Read and Resolved to Join accordingly.

The Lieut. Gov'nr & Council then proceeded to the House & Joined in Grand Committee agreable to the above resolution-Afterwards returned to the Council Chamber & reassumed the Business of the Day.

A Petition from the Inhabitants of S'nt Andrew's Gore [Plainfield,] in the County of Caledonia praying for an act of Incorporation with all the privilidges and Immunities that other Towns in this State exercise and enjoy. Read and by the House referred to Messrs. I. Clark, Knight, & J. Wright to Join &c. Resolved that Judge Chamberlain be appointed to Join said Committee.

A Petition from the Inhabitants of Fairhaven & Westhaven praying for a Tax upon the Lands in said Towns to Defray the expense in resurveying the Lots in said Towns &c. Read and by the House referred to Messrs. J. Robinson, Fassett & I. Smith to Join &c. Resolved that Judge Williams be Appointed to Join said Committee.

A Petition from a number of the Inhabitants of Pawlett in behalf of the Widow & Heirs to the Estate of Capt Wm. Andrews Late of Pawlett Deceased to sell real Estate &c. Read & by the House referred to Messrs. Burnham, Marvin, & J. Wright to Join &c. Resolved that Judge White be appointed to Join said Committee.

The Petition of the Selectmen of the Town of Bennington praying to be Authorized by an act of Legislation to set over the Lands allowed by Charter for Highways which have been Omitted &c. Read & by the House referred to Mess. Fassett, Bostwick, & Marsh to Join &c. Resolved that Judge Strong be Appointed to Join said Committee. Adjourned Untill 9 Oclock Monday Morning next.

copy of the preceding resolution:-and delivered this further messageThat the honorable Isaac Tichenor, Esq. would, at the opening of the house to-morrow morning, declare his acceptance, or non-acceptance, of his appointment as Governor.

The joint committee then adjourned to 9 o'clock to-morrow morning. 'From the printed Assembly Journal, Oct. 14 1797, A. M.

The joint committee met according to adjournment, when Mr. Chairman handed to the Clerk the following letter from the honorable Isaac Tichenor, esquire, viz.

Sir,-Agreeably to the Communication made to me from the Legislature by their joint Committee-I do myself the honor to acquaint you for the information of the Council, & General Assembly, that I shall accept the Appointment of Governor of this State for the year ensuing -and will meet both Branches of the Legislature at the opening of the House, on Monday afternoon next, for the purpose of taking the necesISAAC TICHENOR. sary qualifications.

His Honor Paul Brigham Lieut. Govr.

Windsor Oct. 14, 1797.

The foregoing letter is copied from the original in Ms. Vermont State Papers, Vol. 24, p. 103.

MONDAY Oct. the 16 d. A. D. 1797.

Met according to adjournment. An Act regulating the Collection & payments of Rates &c. having passed the House, Read & Concurred with the following proposals of Amendment Viz. that next after the words Newspapers in the seventh section second Line from the Bottom of the Page be inserted these words to wit (in which Land Taxes are by Law to be Published,) and these words to be erased to wit, printed on that side of the Mountain in which the Lands Lie-& that Mr. Galusha be requested to assign the reasons to the General Assembly of said amendments.

A Petition signed by James Rogers in behalf of himself & the Heirs of his Late Father James Rogers Deceased praying for an act of the Legislature Obliging the Commissioners on his Late Father's Estate to Deed Certain Lands to him in Trust for said Heirs which Lies in Londonderry & has been by them Mortgaged & forfeited under said Mortgage, Read & by the House referred to Messrs. [Thompson,] Cutler, [Isaac] Clark & others to Join a Committee from Council &c. Resolved that Judge Robinson be Appointed to Join said Committee. Adjourned Untill 2 Oclock in the afternoon.

Met according to adjournment, Present His Excellency Isaac Tichenor Esq His Honor the Lieut. Gov Paul Brigham Esq. & the following Members of the Honble Council, Samuel Safford, John Strong, Luke Knoulton, Ebenezer Marvin, Jonas Galusha, Gideon Olin, Cornelius Lynde, Elijah Robinson, John White, Samuel Williams, Wm. Chamberlain, & Stephen Jacob Esqrs Councillors, Truman Squier Sec'ry, & Lucius Hubbard sheriff, & Agreable to the Order of the Day the Gov'ar & Council proceeded to the General Assembly & Joined them in Grand Committee. After the Dissolution of said Committee The Gov'ar & Council returned to the Council Chamber & proceeded to the Business of the Day. 1

An act Directing the Mode of granting Licences &c. having passed the House, Read & Concurred with proposals of Amendment.

Resolved that the above Act shall be Committed to a Committee consisting of Two Members to make the amendments. Members chosen Mess Jacob & Lynde.

A Petition signed by Ebenezer W. Judd that the Public Buildings for the County of Essex may be established in the Upper part of Guildhall in said County-Read and by the House referred to Messrs. Williams, P. Wright I. Clark, Burt, & Keys, to Join a Committee from Council, Resolved that Judge Chamberlain & Olin be appointed to Join said Committee.

A Petition from the Inhabitants of Canaan praying that the Legislature would be pleased to pass an act for the purpose of having the County Buildings for the County of Essex made at Guildhall in said County, Read & by the House Referred to the Committee Appointed on Ebenezer W. Judd Petition, Resolved to Join accordingly.

A Petition from the Inhabitants of Lemington praying for an act Establishing the County Buildings for the County of Essex at Guildhall in said County, Read & by the House referred to the Committee Appointed on Ebenezer W. Judd Petition, Resolved to Join accordingly. Adjourned Untill 9 Oclock to Morrow Morning.

'In Grand Committee, Judge Chipman administered the oaths of office to Gov. Tichenor, who then addressed both Houses. In the Assembly Israel Smith, Amos Marsh, and Abel Spencer were appointed to draft an answer to the speech. For speech and answer see Appendix J.

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