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cincts, in like manner as the law directs in similar cases and in failure of the court aforesaid to make such appointment, the sheriff shall fill such vacancies: The said Judges and Clerks shall be allowed the same for their services, to be paid in like manner, as is directed by law in similar cases.

Their pay.

Sheriffs to com

pare polls

SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the sheriffs attending election at the Court-House and precincts aforesaid, shall meet at the Court-House on the Friday after each election, and shall then and there compare the polls of the candidates, and give When and where certificates as the law directs, to the person or persons elected.

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AN ACT to exempt the Citizens of Greenup county from paying Toll or Ferriage in crossing the mouth of Little Sandy River, upon certain occasions.

APPROVED, January 10, 1815.

SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That the county court of Greenup, at any time when a majority of the justices shall be present, shall, and may stipulate with the owner or occupier of any Ferry across the mouth of Little Sandy river, for an annual allowance to said owner or occupier, for conveying across any citizen residing in said county, who may be summoned to attend court as grand jurors, or ordered to atttend at any battalion muster; and said court shall enter said stipulation or contract, on their record: And all citizens compelled to attend for the foregoing purposes, shall be ferried across at said ferry free of toll or ferriage thereafter, throughout the year.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said county court, at the term for laying their county levy, shall levy said sum so stipulated, on the tithables of their county; and the same shall be collected and accounted for by the proper officers, as other county claims.



AN ACT for erecting a new county out of the counties
of Warren and Barren.

APPROVED, January 11, 1815.

SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of. the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That from and after the first day of April next, all that part of the counties of Warren and Barren included within the Boundary of following bounds, to wit: Beginning on Big Bar

Men county.


ren river, in Warren county, two miles above the
mouth of Bay's fork; thence a straight line to the
mouth of the Sulpher fork of Bay's fork; thence a
straight line (leaving Henry Hill's plantation in
Warren) to a stake on the Warren and Logan line,
four miles from where the same reaches the line now
called the Tennessee state line; then with the line
between Warren and Logan, to the real state line
between Kentucky and Tennessee; then with the
said state line east, passing where the present line
between Warren and Barren strikes the said state
line, to where the road leading from Glasgow to
Sylvester Hall's ferry crosses said line; thence with
said road to Big Barren river; thence down the ri-
ver to the beginning, shall be one distinet county,
called and known by the name of "Allen."

SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That after the said
County court first day of April, the courts of said county shall
be held on the second Monday in each month, except
the months in which circuit courts may be held in
Circuit court said county, which circuit courts shall be held on the
second Mondays in February and October, and on
the third Monday in May in each and every year,
and may continue to sit six days each term, if the
business shall require it.

Justices to meet

qualify a sheriff

SEC. 3. The justices of the peace for said county at Willis Mitch of Allen, shall meet at the house of Willis Mitchell's-take onths, ell, sen. on the second Monday in April next; and and clerk, &c. after taking the oaths required by the constitution of the United States, and by the constitution and laws of this state, and after the sheriff of said county shall qualify according to law, shall proceed to

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appoint and qualify a clerk to the said court agreeable to law: Which several oaths hereby required, may be administered by either of the justices in the commission of the peace to one of them, and he may administer the oaths to the rest of the court.

Sheriffs of Bar

to collect due s in

the bounds of Al


SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the sheriffs of Barren and Warren to collect ren and Warren all officers' fees, revenue taxes, county taxes, fines, forfeitures and executions which may remain in their hands uncollected, at the time the said county takes effect, in that part taken from their respective counties, in the same manner as if the said county of Allen had not taken place.


Jurisdiction of

Sec. 5. The courts of Warren and Barren shall continue to have jurisdiction in matters of law or Barre and Wais equity, that may be depending before them on the first Monday in April next.

SEC. 6. Be it further enacted, That the justices of the peace, and the two assistant judges for said county, shall meet at the said Willis Mitchell's, sen. on the first Monday in June next; and a majority of all the said justices and judges being present, they shall then proceed to fix the permanent scat of justice for said county of Allen; having due regard to eligibility, and to the centre of the county; which they shall do within ten days thereafter, at mostAnd so soon as the court house and jail shall be built at the place so fixed on, the county court shall certify the same to the circuit court, and the circuit and county courts shall thereafter hold their respective courts at the place so fixed on for the permanent seat of justice.

How seat of jus tice to be fixed.

Majority of all the justices to

SEC. 7. Be it further enacted, That in the appointment of a clerk to the county court of Allen, concur in a clerks it shall be necessary for a majority of all the justices of the peace in commission, in and for said county, to concur in said appointment.

SEC. 8. Be be further enacted, That the said county of Allen shall be added to, and compose a part of the 8th juridical district; and the circuit judge assigned to said district, shall sit and preside in the circuit courts of said county, as in circuit courts of other counties.

SEC. 9. Be it further enaeled, That the elections

Allen added to 8th judicial distriet.

Where elections to be held.

Where courts

to be held,

Restrictions and

regulations res pecting the seat

of justice.

for representatives to congress and the state legislature, shall be held as heretofore, at the house of Willis Mitchell, sen. that part of said county taken from Warren, still forming an election precinct to the county of Warren, under the same rules and regulations heretofore in force; and that part of said county of Allen taken from Barren, shall continue to vote as heretofore, until otherwise directed by law.

SEC. 10. Be it further enacted, That the circuit and county courts for said county, shall be held at Willis Mitchell's, sen. until the provisions of the sixth section of this act are complied with.

SEC. 11. Be it further enacted, That the judges and justices, who by this act are to fix the permanent seat of justice for said county of Allen, shall not put it upon the land of any person, unless such person or persons will convey, for a fair price, to the said county court justices, at least one hundred acres of land, to be laid off in a town; one or two acres thereof shall be appropriated for the public square, and the balance to be sold and disposed of under the direction and management of five trustees to be appointed by the county court, and the proceeds to be applied to the erecting of a court house and jail for said county.

SEC. 12. The county of Allen shall have jurisdicTerritorial ju tion to the present marked line, commonly called risdiction of Al- Walker's line, between the state of Kentucky and Tennessee, until the real line between said states


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shall be ascertained by law; after which it shall have jurisdiction to said line so ascertained to be the real line between said states.


AN ACT for the benefit of John D. Williams.
APPROVED, January 1, 1815.

WHEREAS, it is represented to the present
General Assembly, That John D. Williams, a citizen

of Barren county, being a cripple in his feet from his birth,& being bereft of his parents, who left him, their only child, with no property except 200 acres of head right land, taken up under the act of 1798, in the name of his father, Daniel Williams, in Barren county, No. 2146: The said Daniel Williams failing to pay the first instalment by reason of death, the land was stricken off to the state. The said John D. Williams, by reason of being a cripple, is entirely unable to support himself by labour: And to enable the guardian of said John D. Williams to educate him,


SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the, General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That the state price State price re due on said land certificate, No. 2146, for 200 acres of land granted to Daniel Williams, by virtue of an act of assembly, entitled "An act for encouraging and granting relief to settlers south of Green river," be, and the same is hereby remitted to the said John D. Williams: And the register of the land office is hereby directed to issue to the said John D. Williams, a patent for the aforesaid two hundred acres of land, upon the said John D. Williams' producing the plat and certificate of said land.


AN ACT for the erection of a new county out of the county of Ohio.

APPROVED, January 14, 1815.

Boundary of

SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That from and after the first day of June next, all that part of the county of Ohio included within the following bounds, to wit: Beginning at the mouth of Blackford's creck; Daviess County thence up the same to the mouth of the Horse fork; thence up the same, so as to include Joseph Wright; thence to the upper end of the Crane pond, on Panther creek; thence a straight line to the head of Buck creek, so as to include Baxter Davis; cros

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