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affliction, to transact the work that has been committed to his hands. O, God, bless the physicians that minister to him and bless his wife, who has received the terrible shock, and yet who, like the queenly woman that she is, is bearing it with such fortitude and such grace; bless them together, and make this sad, sad event a blessing to the whole nation which shall bind us together from sea to sea, and from the lakes to the gulf. And, O, God, we pray that no man shall ever again arise in this fair land of ours to smite down his fellow man or the executive of the United States.

Comrade Sickles of New York: I have been requested to offer the following resolution:

Resolved, That the Commander-in-Chief be requested to convey to our Comrade, the President of the United States, our affectionate solicitation upon his happy progress towards recovery from the infamous attempt on his life, of which he was a victim last Friday in Buffalo; and we rejoice to believe that the prayers of the people of all civilized nations for the convalescence of our President have been heard by the Almighty Ruler of the universe.

The resolution was unanimously adopted by a rising vote, and the Commander-in-Chief stated that it would be at once conveyed by a telegram to the President.

The Adjutant General called the roll of officers and all were found present except the Surgeon General and the Chaplain-in-Chief.

The Committee on Credentials presented the following report, which, on motion of Comrade Cole of New Jersey, was adopted.

Headquarters Grand Army of the Republic,
Cleveland, O., September 11, 1901.

To the Commander-in-Chief, Grand Army of the Republic:

The Committee on Credentials beg leave to report that they have examined the Roll of the Thirty-fifth National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, to be held in Cleveland on September 12th and 13th, 1901, as prepared and submitted by the Adjutant-General, and find that it corresponds with the credentials and reports from the several departments, with such corrections as made by the Committee.

The Committee therefore recommends that said roll as corrected be adopted as the roll of membership of this Encampment.

The whole number of members entitled to vote at present, is

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Comrade Longenecker, of Illinois, moved that the calling of the roll of the encampment be dispensed with, and the motion prevailed.

The reports of the officers were presented and that of the Commander-in-Chief was read by him to the Encamp


The roll of the encampment and the reports of the officers are as follows. The names on the roll marked with an asterisk (*) being present:

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*Senior Vice-Commander-in-Chief, E. C. MILLIKEN,

Portland, Maine.

*Junior Vice-Commander-in-Chief, FRANK SEAMAN,

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