UNITED STATES SPEAKER: BB B B B B A COPIOUS SELECTION OF FROM THE MOST APPROVED WRITERS OF GREAT BRITAIN SUITABLE FOR VERY YOUNG SPEAKERS: DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. BY JOHN E. LOVELL, FORMERLY INSTRUCTOR OF ELOCUTION IN THE MOUNT PLEASANT t Delivery, I say, bears absolute sway in Oratory."-Cicero. "Let them enjoy their persuasion, who think, that to be born is sufficient to make STEREOTYPE EDITION, REVISED AND IMPROVED. NEW HAVEN: PUBLISHED BY S. BABCOCK. BOLD ALSO BY CROCKER AND BREWSTER, GOULD, KENDALL, AND LINCOLN, AND JENES BABCOCK AND CO., CHARLESTON-WHITE AND SNOW, TUSCALOOSA.-J. K. RANDALL, J 4201 Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1835, by JoHN E LOVELL, in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court of Connecticut. STEREOTYPED BY HENRY W. REX, NO. 45 GOLD ST. NEW YORK. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION THE following selections have been accumulating upon the Compiler's hands for several years, and are those, chiefly, which from time to time, in the course of his practice as a teacher of elocution, have elicited his preference, as exercises for his own pupils. Some of them, he is aware, have appeared in the volumes of previous compilers; this, however, he considers no defect, since each selection has been adopted with scrupulous regard to its "spirit and appliancy." It will be found, perhaps, that sufficient freshness is thrown over the volume, by the numerous pieces which have never before appeared in print, for the same purpose. His object has been to bring together a full collection of short, eloquent, and pertinent extracts, with studious solicitude for the advancement of the art. He trusts he has succeeded. He believes such a work to be decidedly wanted, and without any invidious reference, to what may appear to him, the defects of similar publications, ventures to commend his own to the consideration of the teaching public. He flatters himself it will be found to merit their patronage. It is, doubtless, the most copious and various collection of recitations in the United States, and,—may he be permitted to add,—not inferior to any, in every higher respect. The eloquent and classical writers of the day have afforded abundant and beautiful materials, and some specimens have been drawn from "the golden sources of antiquity." It is, perhaps, unnecessary to add, that the paramount interests of morality have not been lost sight of. Great pains have been taken to distribute through the book, numerous pieces, suitable for the recitations of very young students. This, the Com. piler conceives, is an addition of no trifling importance. The school-books on this point are altogether at fault; the idea, indeed, seems to have been entirely misunderstood or overlooked. The culture of Delivery, however, can hardly be commenced too early. It is while the organs of the voice, and the limbs are yet flexible ;-while the taste is yet unvitiated, that the first lessons of elocution should be imparted ;-it is then (if the expression may be allowed) that her beautiful incantations should begin; it is then the seeds, intended to produce the garland of the orator, should be sown. The ancients understood this fact well. "They began their toils with the very first rudiments of education, and with the first spark of reason." What was the result?-To this one circumstance, possibly, more than to any other not |