THE ANTI-JACOBIN REVIEW AND MAGAZINE, OR Monthly Political and Literary Censor, FROM JANUARY TO APRIL (INCLUSIVE,) -1801- WITH AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING AN AMPLE REVIEW OF FOREIGN LITERATURE. MIHI ET, GRATIORA SUNT BONA QUOD PERSEVERANT, ET LEVIORA INCOMMODA VOL. VIII. LONDON: Printed, for the Proprietors, at the Anti-Jacobin Press, Peterborough-Court, Fleet-Street AND PUBLISHED AT THE ANTI-JACOBIN OFFICE, PETERBOROUGH COURT, FLEET-STREET, 1801. Table of the Titles, Authors Names, &c. of the Publications reviewed in this Volume, including both the Original Criticism, and Reviewers Reviewed. Bardomachia, or the Battle of the Bards 193 Baring's Observations on the publica- Barton's Sermon on his Majesty's Pro- THE ANTI-JACOBIN Review and Magazine; &c. &c. &c. For JANUARY, 1801. WE HAVE DONE THE STATE SOME SERVICE, AND THEY KNOW IT. ORIGINAL CRITICISM. Shakespear. Transactions of the Linnean Society. Volume V. 4to. PP. 296. Il. Is. in Boards. White. London. 1800. HAT this is one TH of the most respectable scientific So us to cieties in the kingdom, it would be fuperfluous in remark. Supported by talents, learning, industry, rank, and fortune, the success of fuch an association, in all views and researches, seems placed beyond the power of accident. The volume before us would appear, from a bare enumeration of its contents, to be equally deserving of public attention, with the first four; which have been received as productions worthy the disciples of Linneus. It contains thirty-one articles. In "his Obfervations on the Ranunculus aquatilis," Dr. Pulteney informs us, that : "the distilled water of the R. Flammula, or Leffer Spearwort, as we are informed by Dr. Withering, is an emetic more instantaneous, and less offenfive during its action, than white vitriol; and, as if Nature had furnished an antidote to poison from among poisons of its own tribe, is to be preferred in promoting the instant expulfion of de leterious substances from the stomach." NO. XXXI. VOL. VIII. B The |