LITERATURE, EDUCATION, AGRICULTURE, COMMERCE., INTERNAL IMPROVE- THE QUESTION OF THE FREEDMEN. J. D. B. DE BOW, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Commerce is King.-CARLYLE. VOLUME II.-AFTER THE WAR SERIES. 43453 NASHVILLE: COR. UNION & CHERRY ST.; NEW ORLEANS: OLD LEVEE & 180 CANAL; NEW YORK: 40 BROADWAY. 1866. ART. VI,-Home Education and the ART. VII.-Virginia-Her New Spirit and ART. VIII. Journal of the War-Entered up Daily in the Confederacy, 57, 189, ART. IX. The Tournament. By R. G. ART. X.-Property Title in the South as affected by the late War. By SALEM ART. XI.-The Cotton Resources of the ART. XXXIII.-Improvement of the Mis- HUGH 899 132 145 172 177 ART. XLVIII.-The Cotton Supply. By 225 236 274 285 ART. XX.-Life and Times of John De ilization. By GEO. FITZHUGH.. 256 ART. XXIII.-Future of South Carolina, 262 ART. XXIV.-The Vast Resources of Louisiana. By J. B. ROBINSON, of ART. XXV.-The South and Direct For- ART. LI.-Impending Fate of the Coun- ART. LII.-Times in the Confederacy. R. HUTCHINSON, of Memphis... 494 ART. XLIX.-Sketches of Foreign Travel. ART. XXVI.-Old Maids and Old Bacho- 288 ART. LIV.-Napoleon's Life of Cæsar. 2d vol. By JOHN W. DANIEL, of Va., 582 ART. LV.-Modern Languages in Univer- Binder MAY 3 1907 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. VOL II., (REVIVED SERIES.) JUNE TO DECEMBER, 1866. The Old Series of the work has its appropriate Index to each vol., and at the end of the tenth and twelfth volumes. 66 Climates of the South, 273. Banking System-Proposed for the South, 150. Commerce of New Orleans, 645. Brazil, Character of the Country, 31. Lands and Improvements, 32. 66 A Refuge for Southern Planters, 80. British Policy-Its Triumph in Regard to Cot- Bulwer's Novels, 159. Book Notices, 106, 219, 881, 446, 557. Canada-Early Inhabitants of, 12. Cincinnati Commerce, 646. Direct Foreign Trade at the South, 285. European Finances, 183. Electricity-History of the Science, 6. Cotton Resources of the South, Present and Editorial Notices, 106, 219, 331, 446, 557. Cotton Planters' Association, 530. Cotton-What are the Prospects of the Supply Cotton Growing-Foreign Competition in, 298. Supply-Sources of the British, 81. Consumption of Europe, 143. Cost by Free Labor, 300. Impolicy of Taxing it, 76, Mississippi, 210. Trade of New Orleans, 416. 66 Trade of the South and the Excise Fruits at the South, 268. Consuming and Producing Countries, Clay, Henry-His Monument, &c., 107. |