The Political Text-book, Or Encyclopedia: Containing Everything Necessary for the Reference of the Politicians and Statesmen of the United States |
From inside the book
Results 1-5 of 20
Page 33
... Washburne of IlL . , Israel Washburne of Me . , Wells of Wis . , John Wentworth of III . , Tappen Wentworth , Wheeler of N. T. , Yates of II1 . - 96 . Democrats in roman - Whigs in italics- Free - Soilers in SMALL CAPS . In Senate , May ...
... Washburne of IlL . , Israel Washburne of Me . , Wells of Wis . , John Wentworth of III . , Tappen Wentworth , Wheeler of N. T. , Yates of II1 . - 96 . Democrats in roman - Whigs in italics- Free - Soilers in SMALL CAPS . In Senate , May ...
Page 55
... Washburne of Ill . , Israel Washburne of Me . , Welch of Conn . , and Wood of Me . - 94 . NATS - Messrs . Aiken of S. C. , Barksdale of Miss . , Bell of Tex ... Bennett of Miss . , BROOM of Pa . , Burnett of Ky . , Cad- walader of Pa ...
... Washburne of Ill . , Israel Washburne of Me . , Welch of Conn . , and Wood of Me . - 94 . NATS - Messrs . Aiken of S. C. , Barksdale of Miss . , Bell of Tex ... Bennett of Miss . , BROOM of Pa . , Burnett of Ky . , Cad- walader of Pa ...
Page 83
... Washburne , Israel Washburn , Watson , Welch , Wells , Williams , Wood , Woodruff , and Woodworth . - 113 . NAYS . Messrs . Aiken , Allen , Barksdale , Bell , Hendley S. Bennett , Bocock , Bowie , Boyce , Branch , Brooks , BROOM ...
... Washburne , Israel Washburn , Watson , Welch , Wells , Williams , Wood , Woodruff , and Woodworth . - 113 . NAYS . Messrs . Aiken , Allen , Barksdale , Bell , Hendley S. Bennett , Bocock , Bowie , Boyce , Branch , Brooks , BROOM ...
Page 84
... Washburne , Israel Washburn , Watson , Welch , Wood , Woodruff , and Woodworth . - 103 . FOR MR . AIKEN . - Messrs . Allen , Barksdale , Bell , Hendley S. Bennett , Bocock , Bonvie , Boyce , Branch , Brooks , Burnett , Cadwalader ...
... Washburne , Israel Washburn , Watson , Welch , Wood , Woodruff , and Woodworth . - 103 . FOR MR . AIKEN . - Messrs . Allen , Barksdale , Bell , Hendley S. Bennett , Bocock , Bonvie , Boyce , Branch , Brooks , Burnett , Cadwalader ...
Page 117
... Washburne , Israel Washburne , Whiteley , wn , Granger . Grove , Robert B. Hall . Harlan , Hoard , Hor woch , Wade . Walbridge , Waldron , Walton , Cadwaliader C. and Winslow - 86 . So the joint resolution was ordered to be engrossed ...
... Washburne , Israel Washburne , Whiteley , wn , Granger . Grove , Robert B. Hall . Harlan , Hoard , Hor woch , Wade . Walbridge , Waldron , Walton , Cadwaliader C. and Winslow - 86 . So the joint resolution was ordered to be engrossed ...
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Common terms and phrases
admission admitted adopted alien amendment American appointed assembled authority bill citizens clause committee Congress Conn Constitution convention council court declared delegates Democratic district Dred Scott duty election enacted entitled exist federal foreign fugitive governor gress House of Representatives inhabitants Israel Washburne jurisdiction Kansas labor Lecompton constitution legislative legislature Mass ment Messrs Missouri Missouri compromise nay nay nay nay nay yea nay yea nay nay yea yea North Ohio opinion organization party passed persons plaintiff political present President principle prohibited question resolution Senate slave slavery Smith South Carolina stitution Tenn terri territory territory of Kansas territory of Nebraska thereof Thomas J. D. Fuller tion treaty Union United Virginia vote voters Williamson R. W. Cobb yea nay nay yea nay yea yea yea nay yea yea yea yeas and nays