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Abolition party. Rise and progress of, 5.

Abolition petitions. Proceedings in Congress relative to, 5.
Abolitionists and Republicans. Extracts from speeches, &c.,

of, 18.

Abolition platforms, 16.
Adams, John Quincy.

Adams, Green, of Ky.
ries, 609.

Speech of, on the admission of Ar-
kansas, 30.

On abolition petitions, 8.

On power of Congress over Territo-

Adrain, Garnett B., of N. J. On the admission of Kansas
under the Lecompton constitution, 709.

Anderson, T. L., of Mo. On the admission of Kansas under
the Lecompton constitution, 709.

Aiken, William. Vote of, for Speaker, 84.

Reply of, to certain interrogatories, 30.

Alabama. History of admission of, 31.

Laws of, relative to foreign paupers, &c., 218.
Law of, in relation to conventions under certain
contingencies, 247..

Alien and Sedition Laws. History of, and votes on, 52.

Alien Suffrage, 31. Debate in House of Representatives on,

as allowed in constitution of Minnesota, 42.
Allen, James C., of Illinois. Proceedings vacating seat of, 54.
American party. Defence of, by writer signed Madison, 283.
American platforms, 55.
American Ritual, 57.

Americanism in Missouri.

Kennett, 275.

Americanism in Louisiana.

Extract from speech of L. M.

Defined by George Eustis, Jr.,

Ames, Mr., of Mass. On abolition petitions, 7.

Annexation of Texas, 646. Speech of Mr. Buchanan on, 89.

Appendix, 709.

Arkansas. History of admission of, 68.

Articles of Confederation, 69.

Atchison, Dr. R., of Mo. Speech of, on the first Nebraska
bill, 349.

Atherton, Charles G., of N. H. Celebrated resolutions of,
relating to slavery, 73.

Atkins, T. D. C., of Tenn. On the admission of Kansas under
the Lecompton constitution, 709.

Avery, William T., of Tenn. On the admission of Kansas
under the Lecompton constitution, 709.

Baldwin, Judge, on fugitive slaves, 238.
Bank of the United States, history of, 75.

Bankrupt act, 80.

Banks, N. P., Jr.

Extract from speech of, 19.

Reply of, to certain interrogatories, 81.
Vote of, for Speaker, 83

Bargain and Intrigue, 84.

Barney, Mr., of Md. On gradual extinction of slavery in the

District of Columbia, 8.

Barksdale, William, of Miss.

Extract from speech of, 605.

On the admission of Kansas
under the Lecompton con-
stitution, 710.

Bayard, James A., of Del. On naturalization, 289.

Beecher, Rev. H. W.

Bell, John, of Tenn.

On the admission of Kansas
under the Lecompton consti-
tution, 710.

Anti-slavery speech of, 19.

On alien suffrage, 36.
On the admission of Kansas under the
Lecompton constitution, 710.

Benjamin, J. P., of La. Speech on slavery, 558.

[blocks in formation]

Brown, A. V., of Tenn.

On alien suffrage, 34.
Opinion of, upon slavery, 566.
On the Kansas Conference Bill, 740.
Resolutions prepared by, submitted

to the Nashville Convention, 598.

Brown, Simeon. Abolition sentiment of, 20.

Brownson's Review. On Know-Nothingism, 304.
Buchanan, James.

Bargain and Intrigue letter of, 86.

Independent Treasury speech of, 88.
Annexation of Texas, 89.

Sanford letter of, 89.

Hon H. M. Fuller's charge against, 90.

Inaugural address of, 90.

On abolition petitions, 7.

Ostend manifesto, 477.

On the deposite bill, 142.

On naturalization, 296.

On distribution, 508.

On the political power of the Supreme
Court, 632.

Special message on the Lecompton Con-
stitution, 408.

Buffalo and Utica Conventions. Proceedings and platform

of, 93.


[blocks in formation]

On alien suffrage, 39.

Fort Hill address of, 95.

On the Constitution and government of

the United States, 102.

On the deposite bill, 142.

On distribution. 503, 507.

On the Missouri Compromise,
Railroad to the Pacific, 5:29.


Views of, relative to secession, 554.
Views of, on slavery, 566.
On squatter sovereignty, 611.
Celebrated resolutions of, 101.

California. Admission of, 102.

Law of, relative to foreign convicts, &c., 219.
Campbell, John P., of Ky. Extract from speech of, 601.
Caruthers, Saml. Celebrated letter of, 103.

Case, Charles, of Ind. On the admission of Kansas under the
Lecompton constitution, 715.

Cass, Lewis. On Missouri Compromise, 340.

Nicholson letter of, 462.

Extract from speech of, on power of Congress
over territories, 611.

Chaffee, C. C., of Mass. On the admission of Kansas under
the Lecompton constitution, 715.

Chandler, Mr., of Va. Views of, upon slavery, 566.

Chapin, Mayor of Worcester. Abolition sentiment of, 20.
Chase, Mr., of Ohio. Amendment of, to Nebraska bill, 352.
Clarke, Bayard, of N. Y. Anti-slavery, anti-catholic speech
of, 110.

Clark, Daniel, of N. IH. On the admission of Kansas under
the Lecompton constitution, 715.

Clark, J. B., of Mo. On the admission of Kansas under the

[blocks in formation]

Report of minority committee on
territories, on Lecompton consti-
tution, 423.

On the Kansas Conference Bill, 741.
Colonial laws on relative position of slaves and whites, 152.
Convention act of Kansas, 395.

Compromises of 1850. History and votes on, 117.

Crittenden, Attorney-General. On the Drayton and Sayres

pardon, 146.
On the fugitive slave law of
1850, 243.

Crittenden-Montgomery amendment to the Kansas bill, 451
Crittenden, J. J., of Ky. On the admission of Kansas un-
der the Lecompton constitution,

On the Kansas conference bill,


Cuba. Proclamation respecting an invasion of, 133.
Curtis, Associate Justice. On the Dred Scott case, 173.
Cushing, C., Attorney-General. Opinion of, against negro
citizenship, 158.

Custom-houses, Post-offices, and Court-houses. Revenues
collected at, 778.

Darien. Resolutions of colony of, relative to slavery, 567.
Davis, II. Winter, of Md.

Davis, Jefferson, of Miss.

On the presidential election of
1856, 134.

On the admission of Kansas un-
der the Lecompton constitu-
tion, 717.

On the Kansas conference bill,

Davis, John G., of Ind. On the admission of Kansas under
the Lecompton constitution, 717.

Davis Reuben, of Miss. On the admission of Kansas under
the Lecompton constitution, 718.

Davis, W. R., of S. C. On the political power of the Supreme
Court, 628.

Dawes, Henry L., of Mass. On the admission of Kansas
under the Lecompton constitution, 718.

Debate in the House of Representatives on the first Nebraska
bill, 349.

Debates upon Nebraska and Kansas bill, 352.

Decision of Court in Prussia in regard to a slave, 490.
Declaration and pledge of certain members of Congress

against slavery agitation, 136.
Declaration of Independence, 136.

Defence of American party, by a writer signed "Madison,"


[blocks in formation]

On the Kansas conference bill, 747.

Dowdell, James F., of Ala. Extract from speech of, 602.
Drayton and Sayres' pardon, 145.

Dred Scott case. Opinions of Supreme Court on, 147.

Hon. W. H. Seward. On the decision of
the, 205.
Hon. Mr. Benjamin's reply to Mr. Seward,

Dunn, Geo. Grundy, of Ind. Celebrated amendment of, 208.
Extract from speech of, 208.
Duval, W. O. On abolitionism, 20.

Election of Gen. Whitfield as delegate from Kansas, 369.
Election. Presidential of 1856. Vote of States, 209.
Elliott, Thos. D., of Mass. Proposition of, to repeal fugutive
slave law, 209.

Emancipation party of St. Louis, Missouri. Resolutions of,

Connecticut. Law of, relative to foreign convicts and pau- Etheridge, Emerson. Resolution against revival of African

pers, 219.

Constitution of the United States, 122.

Convention system, 129.

Conventions. History of, 127.

Corrupt Congressional combinations, 310.

Cox, L. M., of Ky. Extract from speech of, 601.

Cox, S. S., of Ohio. On the Kansas conference bill, 746.

[blocks in formation]

Cragin, Aaron H., of N. H. On the Kansas conference bill, Faulkner, C. J., of Virginia.

Craik, Wm., of Md. On naturalization, 289.

Crawford, M. J., of Ga. On power of Congress over territo-

ries, 611.

On the admission of Kansas under
the Lecompton constitution, 716.

Farnsworth, J. F., of Ill. On the admission of Kansas un-
der the Lecompton constitution, 718.
Featherston, W. S., of Miss. Opinion of, upon slavery, 567.

Address of, against distribution

of public lands, 500.

Speech explanatory of vote on
Witte resolutions, 707.

[blocks in formation]

Free Germans. Platforms of, 220.

Fenton, Reuben E., of N. Y. On the admission of Kansas | Illinois. Resolutions of American party of, 249.
under the Lecompton constitution, 719.

Fillmore, Millard. Erie Letter of, 211.

Letter of, to Hon. John Gayle, 212.

Speech of, at Albany, 212.

Florida. History of admission of, 213.

Force bill, 215.

Foreigners. Arrival of, in the United States, 217.

Foreign criminals and paupers. Extract from report of

Foster, L. F. S., of Conn. On the admission of Kansas un-

Laws of, permitting alien suffrage, 31.
Immigration. Trentise of Louis Shade on, 250.
Independent Democrats. Appeal of, 255.
Platform of, 16.

Independent or Sub-Treasury, 259.
Indiana. History of admission of, 261.

Desire to have slavery therein, 261.
Laws of, permitting alien suffrage, 31.

Inge, 8. W., of Alabama. Upon slavery, 567.
Iowa. History of admission of, 203.

Iredell, Mr., of N. C. On fugitive slaves, 238.

[blocks in formation]

Representatives, on, 222.

Freeman's Journal on Know-Nothingism. 307.
Fremont, John C. Letter of acceptance of, 231.

French Spoliations prior to 1800. History of. 232.

Free trade. Report of Special Committee of the House of Jackson, James, of Georgia. On naturalization, 286.

Jackson, Joseph W., of Georgia. Resolutions of, 273.
Jefferson, Thomas. Views on the Missouri compromise, 336.

President Polk's veto Johnson, Andrew, of Tenn. On the resources of the North

Opinion of, upon slavery, 567.
On foreigu immigration, 287.

[blocks in formation]

Kellogg, Wm., of Illinois. On the admission of Kansas
under the Lecompton constitution, 723.

Fuller, Henry M. Answer of, to certain interrogatories, 245. Keitt, L. M., of S. C. Extract from speech of, 604.

Gardner, Gov. H. J., of Mass. On Abolitionism, 21.

Garnett, M. R. H., of Va. On the admission of Kansas under
the Lecompton constitution, 719.

Garrison, Wm. Lloyd. Sentiments of on abolition, 19-21.

Gartrell, L. J., of Georgia. On the admission of Kansas
under the Lecompton constitution, 720.
Gaston, Judge, of N. C. Upon secession, 554.

Geary, Gov., of Kansas. Inaugural address of, 394.
Georgia. Platform of State Convention of 1850, 599.

Kennedy. Armstrong, of Md. On the admission of Kansas
under the Lecompton constitution, 724.

Kennett, L. M., of Missouri. Definition of Americanism, 275.
Kentucky. History of admission of, 276.

Resolutions of 1798 and 1799, 276

Ketchum, Hiram. Upon slavery, 568.

Kilgore, David, of Ind. On negroes and foreigners, 24.
Lamar, L. Q. C., of Miss. On the admission of Kansas under

the Lecompton constitution, 724.

Laws of, relating to foreign convicts, 219.
Law of, in relation to State Conventions under Lane, Jos., of Oregon. On the admission of Kansas under
certain circumstances, 246.

[blocks in formation]

History of admission of, 280.

Gilbert, Ezekiel. On naturalization, 288.
Goodwin, H. C., of N. Y. On the admission of Kansas under Louisiana. Laws of, relating to foreign paupers, 219.
the Lecompton constitution, 720.

Gott, Daniel, of N. Y. Celebrated resolution of, 247.

Green, Senator, of Mo. Report of Committee on Territories,

Groesbeck, Wm. S., of Ohio. On the admission of Kansas
under the Lecompton constitution, 720.

Grow, G. A., of Pa. On the admission of Kansas under the
Lecompton constitution, 721.
Grundy, Felix, of Tenn. Report of, upon Public Lands, 499.
Hale, John P. Abolition sentiments of, 24.

On the admission of Kansas under the Le
compton constitution, 721.

Hammond, J. H., of S. C. On the resources of the South, 763.
On the admission of Kansas under
the Lecompton constitution, 721.

Hamilton, Alexander. On fugitive slaves, 232.

Harlan, James, of Iowa. On the admission of Kansas under
the Lecompton constitution, 722.

Harris, T. L., of Illinois. On the admission of Kansas under
the Lecompton constitution, 722.

Harrison, Wm. H. On the power of Congress over territo-
ries, 612.

Harper, Robert Goodloe. On naturalization, 288.
Hartford Convention. Platform of, 248.

Haskin, J. B., of N. Y. On the admission of Kansas under

the Lecompton constitution, 722.

Hatch, Israel T., of N. Y. On the admission of Kansas under

the Lecompton constitution, 722.

Hill, Joshua, of Georgia. On the admission of Kansas under

the Lecompton constitution, 722.

Hughes, James, of Ind. On the admission of Kansas under

the Lecompton constitution, 723.

Hunter, R. M. T. On alien suffrage, 34.

[blocks in formation]

Madison Letters. Defence of the American party, 283.
Maine. Laws of, relating to foreign paupers, 219.
History of admission of, 310.

Manu, Horace. Abolition sentiments of, 25.
Marshall, Mr., of Va. Upon slavery, 568.
Marshall, Chief Justice. Upon slavery, 568.
Marshall, H., of Ky. On squatter sovereignty, 613.

On the Kansas Conference Bill, 751.

Marshall, A. K., of Ky. On the power of Congress over ter-
ritories, 624.

Marshall, S. S., of Illinois. On the admission of Kansas under
the Lecompton constitution, 725.

Maryland. Laws of, relating to foreign paupers, 219.
Maynard, H., of Tenn. On the admission of Kansas under

the Lecompton constitution, 725.

Mason, J. Y. Ostend manifesto, 478.

Mason, James M. On naturalization, 295.
Mason, Geo., of Va. On alien suffrage, 34.

On the doctrines of the Kansas bill,

[blocks in formation]

Maysville Road bill. Gen. Jackson's veto of, 548.

On the admission of Kansas under the McClintock, Professor. On Americanism, 303.

Lecompton constitution, 723.

On the Kansas Conference Bill, 749.

Illinois. History of admission of, 249.
Negro law of, 249.

McDowell, Jas., of Va. Upon slavery, 569

McMullen, Fayette, of Va. Extract from speech of, 601.
McKinley, John. Upon the constitutionality of the N. Υ.
passenger laws, 313.

Nebraska and Kansas. Report of Mr. Douglas, from mino-

[blocks in formation]

Michigan. History of admission of, 318.

Laws of. permitting alien suffrage, 31.

Mifflin, Warner. Abolition petition of, 6.

Miles, W. Porcher, of S. C. On the admission of Kansas

under the Lecompton constitution, 726.

Military appropriation bill of 1856, 318.

Millson, John S., of Va. On the admission of Kansas under

the Lecompton constitution, 726.

Ministers of the Gospel. Protest against the Nebraska bill, 319.
Minnesota. History of, 320, 325.

Alien suffrage permitted in, 32.
Debate in H. of R. on alien suffrage in, 42.
Douglas's report to the Senate, 323.
History of admission of, 326.

Alien suffrage in territory of, 31.

Missouri. History of admission of, 327.


First compromise, history of, 327.
Second compromise, 333.

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Montgomery, Wm., of Pa. On the admission of Kansas
under the Lecompton constitution, 727.

Moore, Sydenham, of Ala. On the admission of Kansas
under the Lecompton constitution, 727.

Morris, E. Joy, of Pa. On the admission of Kansas under
the Lecompton constitution, 728.

Morris, Isaac N., of III. On the admission of Kansas under
the Lecompton constitution, 728.

Morris, Mr., of Ohio. On abolition petitions, 9.

Nashville Convention. Resolutions of, 595.

National Era. Extracts from, 25.

Naturalization. Laws of the United States relative thereto,

[blocks in formation]

rity of the Committee on Terri-
tories in the Senate, 429.

Report of Mr. Stephens of Georgia,
chairman of the majority of the
Committee of Fifteen, 442.

The Senate Kansas bill, 450.
The Crittenden-Montgomery amend-
ment, 451.

Tabular statement of votes on the
Lecompton Constitution, 455.
Lecompton Constitution, extracts
from, 457.

Topeka Constitution, extracts from,

Leavenworth Constitution, extracts
from, 460.

Opinions of public men on the ad-
mission of Kansas under Leconip-
ton Constitution, 709.

Opinions of public men on the Kan-

[blocks in formation]

New York.

New Hampshire. Laws of, relative to foreigu paupers, 219.



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Organization of the territory, 361.
Topeka Convention, 362.
President's Message in regard to Pendleton, G. H., of O.


affairs of, 362.

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Report of Committee on Territories,

Election of Gen. Whitfield as dele-
gate from, 369.

Minority report of Senate Commit-
tee on Territories, 377.

Report of committee on "Dunn's
Amendment." 385.

Mr. Grow's bill for admission of
Kansas, 399.

Referred to Committee on Terri-
tories. 390.

Admission of Kansas, 391.

Reports of investigating commit-
tee, 392.

Inaugural address of Governor
Geary, 394.

Convention act of Kansas, 395.

Address of Hon. F. P. Stanton, 398.

Correspondence upon mode of elect-
ing delegates to convention in. 399.
Inaugural address of Hon. R. J.
Walker, 401.

An item of history of the Kansas-
Nebraska Bill, 407.

Alien suffrage permitted in, 32.

Mr. Buchanan's special message on
the Lecomption constitution, 408.
Report of Mr. Green, chairman of
the majority Committee on Terri-
tories in the Senate, 413.

Repeat of Mr. Collamer, from the
minority of the Committee on
Territories in the Senate, 423.


New York Tribune. On the dissolution of the Union, 28.
New York National Anti-slavery Standard. On abolition-
ism, 18.

Nicaragua. Proclamation respecting an apprehended inva-
sion of, 461.

Nicholson Letter. From General Cass upon the Wilmot
Proviso, 462.

Niles, John M. On the Deposite Bill, 143.

North and South. Debate on the resources of, 763.
Northwest Territory. Laws of, in relation to alien suf
frage, 31.

Ohio. History of admission of. 465.
Ordinance of 1784 and 1787, 465.
Oregon. History of, 472.

Alien suffrage permitted in, 31.

Constitution formed by the people of, 474.
Proclamation by Governor of, 475.

Bill for the admission of, 476.

Orr, Jas. L.. of S. C. On squatter sovereignty, &c., 615.
Ostend manifesto, 474.

Page, Mr., of Va. On abolition petitions, 6.
Paine, R. T., of N. C. On corrupt Congressional combina-
tion, 310.

Palmer, G. W., of N. Y. On the admission of Kansas under
the Lecompton constitution, 728.

Parker, Rev. Theodore. On the dissolution of the Union, 25.
Parker, Chief Justice, of Mass. On fugitive slaves, 239.
Parrott, Marcus, of Kansas. On the admission of Kansas
under the Lecompton constitution, 728.

Patton, J. M., of Va.
Pearce, J. A., of Md.

On abolition petitions, 1
On alien suffrage, 33.

On the Kansas conference bill, 753.
Pennsylvania. Laws of relating to foreign convicts and
paupers, 219.

Personal liberty bill of Massachusetts and Vermont, 481.
Peyton, S. O., of Ky. On the admission of Kansas under
the Lecompton constitution, 729.

Phillips, H. M., of Pa. On the admission of Kansas under
the Lecompton constitution, 729.

Phillips, Wendell. On the dissolution of the Union, 26.
Pierce, Franklin. On abolition petitions, 481.

Pinckney. H. L.

Pinckney, C. C.

Pinckney. Wm.,

Polk, President.

On abolition of slavery in the District of
Columbia, 481.

On the religious test in the constitution

of New Hampshire, 482.

Letters on the compromise, 482.

On the results of the Presidential eleo-

tion, 483.

On a railroad to the Pacific. 529.

Veto of river and harbor bill, 540.

Special Kansas message of, 362.

Veto message on Public Land bill, 516,

On abolition petitions, 10.

On fugitive slaves, 238.

of Md. Upon slavery. 570.

Veto of French Spoliation bill, 236.

Polk, T., of Miss. On the admission of Kansas under the
Lecompton constitution. 730.

Population. Increase of, in the United States, 484.
Post Office Department, 782.

Potter, John F., of Wis. On the admission of Kansas under

the Lecompton constitution, 730.

Power of Congress over slavery in the territories, 609.
Prentiss, Mr., of Vt. On French spoliations prior to 1800, 234,
Presidential election of 1856. Debate on in the House, 484.
Prussia. Decision of court in, in the matter of a slave, 400.
Public Lands. Mr. Clay's report on in 1832, 491.

Mr. Grundy's report on in 1840, 499.

tribution of, 500.

[blocks in formation]

Views of Mr. Benton, 511.

Grants of, to states for railroads, 523.

[blocks in formation]

Public Lands. Address of Hon. C. J. Faulkner against dis- | Southern Senators. Protest of, against the admission of

California, 605.

Southern States. Address to the people of the, 606.
South Carolina. Laws relating to foreign convicts, 220.

South. Position of, as shown by the sentiments of her

public men, 600.

Debate on the resources of the North and South,

Congressional history of distribution of, 521. Spaulding, Mr., of O. On the dissolution of the Union, 28.

State laws. Relative position of whites and slaves, 154.
States. Reservations of, in their instructions to their Con-

Squatter sovereignty. (See Nicholson Letter), 609.
Stanton, Hon. F. P., of Kansas. Address of, 398.

Tables of areas, &c., 783, 784.

tinental delegates, 628.

Pugh, Mr., of O. On alien suffrage, 36.

Steele, Mr., of N. C. On abolition petitions, 7.

On the Kansas conference bill, 754.

Stephens, A. H., of Ga.

Extract from speech of, 603.

Quincy, Edmund.
Quincy, Josiah.

On the dissolution of the Union, 26.

Report of Com. of Fifteen on Le

[ocr errors]
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compton constitution, 442.

Quitman, John A.

On the bill to repeal the neutrality
laws, 526.

On the revival of the African slave
trade, 590.

On the power of Congress over terri-
tories. 625.

On the Kansas conference bill, 755

Railroad to the Pacific, 528.

Randolph, T. J., of Va. Upon slavery, 570.
Randolph, Edmund. On fugitive slaves. 238.
Randolph, John. On naturalization, 295.

Rawle, William. On fugitive slaves, 238.

Raynor, Kenneth. Speech at Philadelphia on the union of

the opposition to the Democracy, 530.
On religious toleration, 533.

Ready, Chas., of Tenn.

On squatter sovereignty, 626.
On the admission of Kansas under
the Lecompton constitution, 730.
Reilly, Wilson, of Pa. On the admission of Kansas under
the Lecompton constitution, 730.

Religious freedom. Virginia act of, 533.

Religious test. Debate in the convention on, 533.
Republican Association of Washington. Address of, 535.
Republican platform. Adopted at Philadelphia in 1856, 536.
Revenue from custom-houses, &c., 778.

Tables relating to, 785.

Rhett, R. B. On abolition petitions, 13.

Rhode Island. Laws of, in relation to foreign convicts, 219.
Richardson, Wm. A., of Ill. Answer to certain interroga-
tories, 537.

Riley, Gen. Bennett. California proclamation of, 376.
Rivers and harbors, 540.

Road bill. Gen. Jackson's veto of the Maysville, 548.
Rockwell, Julius. On abolitionism, 27.

Sandidge, J. M., of La. On the resources of the North and
South, 766.

Sapp, W. R. Extract from speech of, 27.

Savage, John H., of Tenn. Upon slavery, 570.
Scott, Winfield. On Native Americanism. 548.
Letter of acceptance of, 549.

Search. Right of. Views of Daniel Webster thereon, 552.
Searing. J. A., of N. Y. On the admission of Kansas under

the Lecompton constitution, 730.

Sebastian, W. K., of Ark. On the admission of Kansas
under the Lecompton constitution, 731.

Secession. Right of, 550.

Stevenson, John W., of Ky. On the admission of Kansas

under the Lecompton constitution, 732.

Stewart, Jas A., of Md. Extract from speech of, 602.

On the admission of Kansas under

the Lecompton constitution, 732.

Stewart, Chas E., of Mich. On the admission of Kansas

under the Lecompton constitution, 732.

Stone, Michael, Jr. On naturalization, 286.

Story, Judge. On fugitive slaves, 239, 240.

On a slave case in England, 628.

Sumner, Charles. On the dissolution of the Union, 28.

Supreme Court. Political power of the, 628.
Swanwick, Mr., of Pa.
Talbot, A. G., of Ky.
Taney, Chief Justice.

On abolition petitions. 7.
Extract from speech of, 602.
On naturalization, 284.

Opinion in Dred Scott case, 148.

Tappan, M. W., of N. II. On the admission of Kansas un-
der the Lecompton constitution, 732.
Tariffs. The several, enacted by Congress, 635.
Taylor, Geo., of N. Y. On the admission of Kansas under
the Lecompton constitution, 733.
Taylor, Miles, of La. Extract from speech of, 603.

On the admission of Kansas under the
Lecompton constitution, 733.

Temporal allegiance due the Pope. Declarations of the six
principal Universities of Europe upon. 641.

Tennessee. History of admission of, 646.

Texas. Laws of, relating to foreign paupers, 220.

Annexation of, 646.

Thompson's claim. Opinion of Attorney-General Black, 649.
Thomson, J. R., of N. J. On the admission of Kansas under
the Lecompton constitution, 733.
Tilghman, Judge. On fugitive slaves, 238.
Tompkins, Cydner B., of Ohio. On the admission of Kansas
under the Lecompton constitution, 734.

Tonnage duties to make river and harbor improvements, 651.
Amount of, in the United States from 1789 to 1857,

Toombs, Robert, of Ga. Upon slavery, 571.

On the Kansas conference bill, 757.

Topeka Convention. Account of, 362.
Toucey, Isanc. On alien suffrage, 35.

Trippe, Robert P., of Ga. On the admission of Kansas under

the Lecompton constitution, 734.

Tucker, Mr., of S. C. On abolition petitions, 6.
Union. History of the, 656.

Ordinance of South Carolina relative thereto, 554. Upshur, A. P., of Va. Upon slavery, 582.

Sedgwick, Theodore. On naturalization, 286.

Seward, Wm. H. Abolition sentiments of, 27.
Higher law speech of, 27.

Underwood, W. L., of Ky. On the admission of Kansas un-

der the Lecompton constitution, 734.

Vallandigham, C. L., of Ohio. Opinion of, upon slavery, 582.

On the admission of Kansas under the Van Buren, John, of N.Y. On the admission of Kansas
Lecompton constitution, 731.

Seward, Jas. L., of Ga. Extract from speech of, 602.
Sherman, John, of Ohio, on the expenditures of the General
Government, 767.

Shorter, E. S., of Ala. Extract from speech of, 604.

On the Kansas conference bill, 756.
Singleton, Otho R., of Miss. On the admission of Kansas
under the Lecompton constitution, 731.

Slade, William, of Vt. Abolition resolutions of, 551.

On abolition petitions, 11.

Slavery. Votes relative to, during the first session 31st

Congress, 551.

Opinions of public men upon, 556.

Smith, Mr., of S. C.
Smith, Wm., of Va.

Slave trade, African. Proceedings relative to revival of, 585.
Letter of Hon. Howell Cobb on, 593.
On abolition petitions, 6.
Upon slavery, 571.
Upon alien suffrage in Minnesota, 42.
Extract from speech of, 604.
Speech of, on the result of the Pre-
sidential election, 484.

Smith, S. A., of Tenn.

On the admission of Kansas under
the Lecompton constitution, 732.

Soule, Pierre. Ostend manifesto. 534.

Southern Conventions in 1850. Resolves of, 595.

under the Lecompton constitution, 735.
Vermont. Laws of, relating to foreign paupers, 220.


History of admission of, 664.
Laws of, relating to foreign convicts, 220.
Legislature of, 1798-99. Resolutions in opposition
to foreign immigration, 296.
Resolutions of 1798, drawn by Mr. Madison, on
the unconstitutionality of the Alien and Sedi-
Laws, and defining the rights of the states, 664.
Address to the people, 665.

Answers of the state legislatures, 666.

Wade, Benj. F., of O. Abolition sentiments of, 29.

On the Kansas conference bill. 759.
Waldron, Henry, of Mich. On the admission of Kansas un-
der the Lecompton constitution, 735.

Walker Amendment, 671.

Walker, Percy, of Ala. Extract from speech of, 600.
Walker, Robert J. Inaugural address as governor of Kan-

sas, 401.

On the deposite bill, 142.

Upon slavery, 582.

On the Kansas conference bill, 761.

Walworth, Chancellor. On fugitive slaves, 239.

Ward, Elijah, of N. Y. On the admission of Kansas under
the Lecompton constitution, 735.

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